Reptile keepers come on in

I own the loveliest Stimson's python in the world! "Slinky" is my big boy who I absolutely adore! He's my only reptile ATM but maybe a blue tongue skink very soon...

You know the reptile laws in Australia are a pain :/
Wow! A lot of people have reptiles it's amazing how fast this thread started I'm proud to be a reptile owner. But I've decided something we should post our favorite and least favorite breed/species of reptile/amphibian.

Note:you can still post the reptiles ou own
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When I was still living in WV, we had a pair of black snakes that lived in the dirt floored machine shed. Knowing the benefit of snakes on a farm, we never bothered them. They traveled between the different buildings regularly. We never knew where we would see them next. We also never had a mouse problem.

They never bothered the bunnies, chicks, guinea keets or baby guinea pigs that my kids raised for 4H.

They were very curious and liked hanging around on the rafters watching any activities in the machine shed. They eventually got so tame that power tool noises didn't even seem to bother them.

They were also very intelligent. If my husband was in the machine shed and a vehicle pulled up, they disappeared....

They taught my children a healthy respect for snakes and their place in the environment.
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Do hermit crabs count? I know that they are crustaceans, but still
I forgot, I have curio the Greek tortoise.

Here he is at a couple months old, he is now about a year and 1/4
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Hey guys I know it sounds wierdu i am chukar man something hPppend and I got kicked off byc but I guess. Ou could put hermit crabs and love your tortise

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