required vaccinations for children


Free Ranging
15 Years
Mar 19, 2009
I have a question about the vaccinations that must be given before a child can be enrolled in public school. What are they and are there any exceptions or exemptions for vaccination? Can a parent opt out for religious or other reasons? For the record, I have no children and if I did they would be vaccinated. I'm just curious.
The CDC web site has all of the vaccinations a child must have before school - they include measles, mumps, diptheria,TB, polio, pertussis & tetanus. There may be others I've missed. As far as I know, children/parents cannot 'opt out' - simply because these diseases are highly contagious and can be deadly to susceptible kids. We are currently seeing a resurgence of pertussis (whooping cough) in this country along with drug resistant TB. Several kids have died from whooping cough in the recent past. Many parents believe the vaccines cause autism, I have no opinion one way or the other. Sue
The autism theory has been debunked several times but people still believe it. I primarily wanted to know if parents can opt out of the required vaccines for religious or other reasons.
The autism theory has been debunked several times but people still believe it. I primarily wanted to know if parents can opt out of the required vaccines for religious or other reasons.

Yes you can, at least here in GA. You simply google vaccine exemption form, and print one out. Sign it and send it in with the other school papers. The only caveat to this is if the school has an outbreak of the illness you did not vaccinate for, your child has to stay home. I have heard there is one state/county (?) that has a no exemption policy, period, so you'd be out of luck there. I think it's on the East coast. Hope this answers your question.
Florida. You vaccinate your kids or keep them home. Period.

It's a parents choice to vaccinate or not.....but the state says others must be protected now from the very real threat your non-vaccinated child presents. So if you don't vaccinate your kids, you better find some home-schooling peeps because that's what you'll be doing here.

The ONLY exception is for kids who have a compromised immune system and cannot be vaccinated as it would adversely affect that child.

If I have to hear one more thing about vaccines causing autism....

I wonder how those people in Texas feel now about vaccinating....awesome decision! Bet they'd vaccinate now if it could bring back their child/loved one. *eye roll*
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Florida. You vaccinate your kids or keep them home. Period.

It's a parents choice to vaccinate or not.....but the state says others must be protected now from the very real threat your non-vaccinated child presents. So if you don't vaccinate your kids, you better find some home-schooling peeps because that's what you'll be doing here.

The ONLY exception is for kids who have a compromised immune system and cannot be vaccinated as it would adversely affect that child.

If I have to hear one more thing about vaccines causing autism....

I wonder how those people in Texas feel now about vaccinating....awesome decision! Bet they'd vaccinate now if it could bring back their child/loved one. *eye roll*
Can you expand on that last sentence? What happened in Texas?
Can you expand on that last sentence? What happened in Texas?
If memory serves, they are having a mini epidemic of either measles or whooping cough. I forget which. Several children have died.
If memory serves, they are having a mini epidemic of either measles or whooping cough. I forget which. Several children have died.

that is terrible, so very sad.
Each State is different, you'd have to check your state laws. Most states have a religious (they can't ask you which religion, that's against religious freedom laws) and medical (has to be from a doctor, certified MD, etc) exemption, some also have a philosophical exemption (meaning you can just say you don't agree with vaccines).

Most schools will not tell you about these exemptions because they want everyone to have the vaccines, but if you ask they will have the exemption forms available. You have to sign a form each year and if there's an out-break of a certain virus/disease, etc they might quarantine your child (ask them to stay home from school).

Rather than get into the debate of vaccines, this is information that everyone should know and have available. When you do things out of fear or ignorance or because someone told you without knowing all your options, you often make decisions based on not the best information.

It's a parents choice to vaccinate or not.....but the state says others must be protected now from the very real threat your non-vaccinated child presents.

I'm not trying to be snarky, this is an honest request for information. If all the other children are vaccinated, how does the non-vaccinated child present a threat? Wouldn't they only be a threat to other non-vaccinated individuals?

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