Rescue ducklings


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2016
Western New Hampshire
Someone bought 7 ducklings for their kids for Easter (face palm) & decided they didn't want them anymore. Surprise surprise. So now I have rescued them & am not sure how old they are or what type of duck they are. Any help available? They've had a bath today and are enjoying life. :)
Do you have a coop to put them inside at night or they still small and are they in a brooder with a light? Please post a pic of them so we can see them?
Do you have a coop to put them  inside at night or they still small and are they in a brooder with a light?   Please post a pic of them so we can see them?  
Yes we do. They're in two totes we cut the sides out of so they have more room. Under a brooder so they stay warm. :) lots of food and water available. I just boiled them an egg to eat as well as put Brewers yeast in their food. :) I tried posting a photo but it's not letting me :-( must be my service in the woods of NH
I forgot you have to have so many posts to put a picture on your comments. I'll see if I can find out how many posts so you can post a pic of them . Welcome to byc it's a great group of people with lots of knowledge. Did you click on that website that Miss Lydia sent in her message. It has lots of information for a new duck owner. From what you described it sounds like your doing a really good job. Thanks so much for rescueing the little ones.
Thank you! I made sure to do plenty of research before we decided to take them on. And through all my research I always got directed to this site. It's been a ton of help so far :)
I can't find the information but it seems like you have to post 25 times before you can put a picture in your posts. I have 15 ducks and they are a pleasure to have I know you will enjoy your little ones as they grow.
I can't find the information but it seems like you have to post 25 times before you can put a picture in your posts.  I have 15 ducks and they are a pleasure to have I know you will enjoy your little ones as they grow.  
So now I have a question. My ducks are currently all huddled under the heat lamp. Some are sleeping, (The yellow guys). and some (the khaki guys I think) are breathing heavy with their beaks opening and closing and they're legs stretched out. They have a cooler space in their little house area to get away from the lamp if they get hot. Is this normal?
So now I have a question. My ducks are currently all huddled under the heat lamp. Some are sleeping, (The yellow guys). and some (the khaki guys I think) are breathing heavy with their beaks opening and closing and they're legs stretched out. They have a cooler space in their little house area to get away from the lamp if they get hot. Is this normal?
Do you know the temp in your brooder? put the lamp at one end and make sure it isn't too hot in there always a good idea to have a thermometer in the brooder I'll get you the caring for ducklings link Breathing with their mouths open can mean they are too warm.I just saw I already gave you the link so it will give you the best temps for your brooder at the age they are.
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Are they afraid to go in the little house? I would put the lamp at one end and see if they move to the opposite end. You might want to take the house out and see if they move away from the light. Like Miss Lydia said it would be a good idea to get a thermometer so you can check the temps.

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