Rescue ducklings

Are they afraid to go in the little house?  I would put the lamp at one end and see if they move to the opposite end.  You might want to take the house out and see if they move away from the light.  Like Miss Lydia said it would be a good idea to get a thermometer so you can check the temps.  
By house I meant the two plastic storage containers they're in. Sorry! They are all huddled up under the light. The other end of the tub is cooler since the light is focused on one side of the two tubs. They haven't moved except to eat and drink. They keep going back to the light. I don't have a thermometer. I forgot to grab one. :-( I'm going to grab one tomorrow. For now can I use a reg thermometer?
What size light is it? I've got a 100 watt light bulb in my reflector for my guineas. Try putting a regular thermoter in there and see what that does.
Ducklings do not always do what the book says, and don't always do what's best for themselves.

Panting can be from overheating, and that can be very serious, as in, life-threatening. I think you care very much and are being careful, I just don't want you to underestimate the importance of controlling the temperature.

Panting can also be caused by nervousness.

They have water 24/7, correct?
Ducklings do not always do what the book says, and don't always do what's best for themselves.

Panting can be from overheating, and that can be very serious, as in, life-threatening.  I think you care very much and are being careful, I just don't want you to underestimate the importance of controlling the temperature.

Panting can also be caused by nervousness.

They have water 24/7, correct?
Yes they have a constant supply of clean water. I take it out and clean & refill it before it becomes totally empty (about 1/4 full) & make sure to top it off before I go to bed (while I'm tucking in my kids for the night. Makes it easier to remember) & I check it each morning it's usually almost empty. They seem to be fine now. They're not panting anymore and still under the light.
Could have just been a little duckling anxiety, then. Please keep us updated on how you all are doing as they grow
Could have just been a little duckling anxiety, then.  Please keep us updated on how you all are doing as they grow:hugs
They grow super fast!! How long does it usually take for them to imprint on someone? I mean I've only had them since Friday, so I can't imagine it happens that fast. But I was curious. :)
They grow super fast!! How long does it usually take for them to imprint on someone? I mean I've only had them since Friday, so I can't imagine it happens that fast. But I was curious. :)
They may not actually imprint like they would if you sat right there at a bator and when they hatched they saw you first, but you can sure help them get attached to you the more time you spend with them talking softly and sitting with them. Giving them attention is critical to getting them use to us. Be sure to always try to be on their level because being prey anything coming down over top is very scary.

Welcome to BYC @anniemg89

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