Rescue ducks have problems- advice needed

Dec 3, 2020
Please tell me if there’s anything more I can do for these babies.

We recently acquired two ducklings that were left at a nearby lake. We raised 6 ducklings this spring without any health issues and I agreed to take these when a friend found them.

The first thing I noticed was their legs. One had severe pigeon-toes and the other could barely stand from bow-leggedness. I started them on vitamins thanks to info I found here, along with nutritional and brewers yeast. That’s started to help.
But although the legs are showing some improvement, now one of them (the big one) looks like it started to get wry neck. :( It is not severe- when it stands up it stretches it out like normal but it’s definitely cricked to the side and especially noticeable when it lays down.

They grew at a crazy rate this past week- I think they were older than we initially thought, and so I cut their feed (it’s grower chick feed) with oats yesterday to slow things down. I also started giving them vitamin E last night. They are also eating as much as they want of oregano, parsley and cilantro.

They go outside every day and get kale then. They swim in the tub once or twice a day as well. I give them a couple cubes of watermelon daily for their vitamins.

Tomorrow the nutridrench and selenium I ordered will get here. Will the nutridrench take place of the B’s & E’s or do I keep giving those?

Is there anything else I could or should be doing or feeding them? I’m worried the malnutrition they experienced won’t be able to be undone but if possible I would like them to grow healthy like our other ducks.

Thanks for your help! I have been reading these threads a long time when I have had chicken problems but this is a new one with these ducks!
Please tell me if there’s anything more I can do for these babies.

We recently acquired two ducklings that were left at a nearby lake. We raised 6 ducklings this spring without any health issues and I agreed to take these when a friend found them.

The first thing I noticed was their legs. One had severe pigeon-toes and the other could barely stand from bow-leggedness. I started them on vitamins thanks to info I found here, along with nutritional and brewers yeast. That’s started to help.
But although the legs are showing some improvement, now one of them (the big one) looks like it started to get wry neck. :( It is not severe- when it stands up it stretches it out like normal but it’s definitely cricked to the side and especially noticeable when it lays down.

They grew at a crazy rate this past week- I think they were older than we initially thought, and so I cut their feed (it’s grower chick feed) with oats yesterday to slow things down. I also started giving them vitamin E last night. They are also eating as much as they want of oregano, parsley and cilantro.

They go outside every day and get kale then. They swim in the tub once or twice a day as well. I give them a couple cubes of watermelon daily for their vitamins.

Tomorrow the nutridrench and selenium I ordered will get here. Will the nutridrench take place of the B’s & E’s or do I keep giving those?

Is there anything else I could or should be doing or feeding them? I’m worried the malnutrition they experienced won’t be able to be undone but if possible I would like them to grow healthy like our other ducks.

Thanks for your help! I have been reading these threads a long time when I have had chicken problems but this is a new one with these ducks! View attachment 2436307View attachment 2436308
I think if you have the other vitamins, I would just skip the Nutri-Dench, as it's fairly low in niacin, and vitamin E, which, by the sounds of it, are both of the vitamins they need.

Continue with the Vitamin E, and B supplementation, make sure they're getting in water, and outside daily to exercise those legs. Chick feed, what you're feeding, is not formulated nutritionally for ducks and lacks the amount of some vitamins that ducks need. It would be best if you switch them over to a feed formulated for ducks, or all poultry. Such as the brands below.

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