Rescued a 4 week old kitten

There are a few things that I can bring to your attention.

These kittens may still be drinking their mother's milk and may still require kitten formula to meet their nutritional requirements.

The kittens may not have been previously exposed to cat food. A large feeding of food may cause them to experience digestive upset and diarrhea. They may not have the microbes developed to properly digest cat food if this hasn't been previously offered.

If the kittens have not had food in a while, they can experience refeeding syndrome. This can be damaging/deadly to the kitten/s. It is safer to feed smaller increments of food more often until they can be adapted to larger amounts. This can take several days.

If the kittens have been excessively stressed, they may be more susceptible to becoming ill, even if they seem like they're doing well. It is safest to keep them quarantined for their health and well-being from any other pets you may have. It may be best for your pets as well in case the kittens have been previously infected with a communicable disease.

If the kittens are too young to go to the bathroom by themselves, they may require stimulation several times a day to be able to go to the bathroom.

The kittens may require a heated/warmer environment because they are so young. They may not be old enough to thermoregulate on their own yet. :)
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I went in just now to take picture of precious’s sister and I found this in precious’s poop! 😟


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