Rescued A Duck - Broken Leg


May 3, 2015
Hey Guys...hoping someone could give me some advice/suggestions.

Last Wednesday morning I found a male duck injured in the middle of the hwy. He was pretty banged up, think he might of gotten clipped by a vehicle. I took him to the vet friday afternoon and had him looked at. His wounds on his wings are surface and healing and his beak is healed up pretty nice, but his leg is broken. I've read that they can heal on their own I was wondering how long that would take?
Should I try to see if he will swim in the bathtub?
Will he be able to swim?

He does eat and drink his water, I got him some duck and goose feed.

Thanks guys.
Hey Guys...hoping someone could give me some advice/suggestions.

Last Wednesday morning I found a male duck injured in the middle of the hwy. He was pretty banged up, think he might of gotten clipped by a vehicle. I took him to the vet friday afternoon and had him looked at. His wounds on his wings are surface and healing and his beak is healed up pretty nice, but his leg is broken. I've read that they can heal on their own I was wondering how long that would take?
Should I try to see if he will swim in the bathtub?
Will he be able to swim?

He does eat and drink his water, I got him some duck and goose feed.

Thanks guys.
Where is the leg broken at? water therapy is one way to relieve pressure on the leg and help keep muscles from getting weak, if the leg is not broken where it would cause more harm to use it swimming then I think water therapy would be fine just stay with him to make sure he doesn't try to jump out of the tub. Nice warm water deep enough to float and wash in he'd probably appreciate. So sweet of you to save his left literally.
Welcome to BYC.I can't say how long it will take to heal what did the vet think? What breed?
Where is the leg broken at? water therapy is one way to relieve pressure on the leg and help keep muscles from getting weak, if the leg is not broken where it would cause more harm to use it swimming then I think water therapy would be fine just stay with him to make sure he doesn't try to jump out of the tub. Nice warm water deep enough to float and wash in he'd probably appreciate. So sweet of you to save his left literally.
Welcome to BYC.I can't say how long it will take to heal what did the vet think? What breed?

I think it's fairly high on his leg..I thought water therapy would be good for him but I'm afraid he will try to fly or something and hurt himself again..The vet didnt have much to say he had said he would get back to me on what I should do but it being the weekend I haven't heard anything yet. It's a mallard I'm pretty sure.

I think it's fairly high on his leg..I thought water therapy would be good for him but I'm afraid he will try to fly or something and hurt himself again..The vet didnt have much to say he had said he would get back to me on what I should do but it being the weekend I haven't heard anything yet. It's a mallard I'm pretty sure.

If your right there next to the tub you can keep him from flying just stay close. Is he comfortable with you? do you have a shower curtain or door that closes on the tub that may help to keep him inside. Hopefully the vet will contact you tomorrow. Main thing is him not getting freaked out and doing more damage you'll have to make the decision based on how is reacting to your care of him.
If your right there next to the tub you can keep him from flying just stay close. Is he comfortable with you? do you have a shower curtain or door that closes on the tub that may help to keep him inside. Hopefully the vet will contact you tomorrow. Main thing is him not getting freaked out and doing more damage you'll have to make the decision based on how is reacting to your care of him.
I got Duck in the tub..and he seems super happy to be in the water which is great. He keeps checking at his broken leg...his feet don't even open in the water. So he does swim in circles but he's cleaning himself and enjoying it.
After his bath...he is not picking at his feathers and stuff lots! is this his way of drying himself? he has his wings kinda out a this normal?
I have just learned you can make a splint for the leg out of waterproof tape buy at rite aide, I typed in on goggle avian fractures gives details step by step, I went to a vet they suggested do it yourself. good luck

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