Rescued a little bird!

Pet Duck Boy

10 Years
Dec 12, 2009
Orlando, FL
My chickens, of course being oppurtunistic, tried to rip apart a small chick (fledgling?) who left it's nest. Luckily I was out there, and heard the shrill screams, and rescued the poor thing. It lost a clump of feathers from it's head, but it is fine otherwise. I left it out in the yard for a good 10 hours in a safe spot, but no parents returned, despite the amount of birds visiting the nearby bird feeders. I tried it the next day for about an hour but the results were the same, I have no idea where it's nest would be. Not wanting it to die, I took it in and fed it (It was STARVING). 2 days have passed and the little bird (Which my sister and I have named Twitch, because he twitches like made when begging for food) LOVES attention, being fed mixed bird seed soaked to clumps, insects, and moist cat food. As far as we have tried, we haven't found someone to take it so we've decided to keep it here until it can sustain flight. Right now it can only glide short distances, but it's getting there, since it's free to roam an entire room in my house. This isn't a pet, but little Twitch sure is a blast to have around. Now...anyone know what it is?





LOL, I was given the exact little bird yesterday to care for!!!!!. They are a Tufted Titmouse. They normally live their whole lives in one area, can hold a seed with their foot, can throw their voice to confuse predators and often live with their parents for a year... Like areas near water, woods and cover. Also eat like an elephant........ LOL Mine is getting some baby parrot formula and wet mushy puppy chow. I have seeds sprinkled down, but it's still not interested yet. When it can fly i will return it to it's area.....
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Ahhhh that makes sense, there's plenty of those around here. I guess with it's tuft torn off it wasn't as recognizable for me.
Though now that you mentioned it I do very well see it. I wonder what happened to it's parents? Because the day it was out there were plenty of titmouse visiting the feeders, none paid attention to it's calls though. Any pics of yours? (This is the first time I've ever hand raised a wild bird before, it's exciting!)
Before you let it go, bring it outside to show it where it can find water. I raised a bunch of baby birds over the years, and when they were at the "follow me everywhere" stage I brought them outside to explore my tiny back yard, see where the bird feeders and birdbaths were, scattered food on the grass for them to find, etc. I kept doing this until the day they decided to fly off on their own. Until that time, they always flew back to me as I started walking away. Sometimes after they go off on their own, they flew back to me for a visit, so I knew they at least survived a few days on their own. But a big thing is that they need to be shown where food and water are, since in the wild, they'd be following their parents around begging for food, and learn by watching.


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