Respiratory diseases


Aug 19, 2017
Hi dear how are you? I am an animal science graduated. I am currently working in a Poultry farm. It's my first time working for Poultry farm. Now I observed a respiratory disease in the farm, some of chickens are suffering by eye inflammation and their eyes filled with a pus. Many of them also become blind because of this eye problems. Please tell me how to deal with this situation and what is the causes of this disease. Thank you
Mg and its uncureable better off culling them all before it spreads to wild native species treating with tylan only hides the symptoms
And can you tell me the causes for this diseases??
They get it from either a bird that had it brought into a flock without quarentine and or wild bird dropping from birds that have it like if they drink water that wild bird droppings are in etc stress brings it out
Coryza is another respiratory disease that may cause swollen eyes, thick nasal drainge with a bad odor, and noisy breathing. It is more serious than mycoplasma (also called MG or CRD for chronic respiratory disease.) Where are you located? Coryza is found worldwide, and both diseases cause the whole flock to be carriers of the disease for life. Symptoms of each disease are treated sometimes with antibiotics such as Tylan or tylosin, and sulfa antibiotics. Tiamulin can be used for only MG.
I am observing a lot of feather loss in my farm and I think this because of the cocks. Tell me what to do to stop this feather loss.

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