Respiratory infection in roo not clearing with treatment-Pasteurella, Enterococcus


Apr 10, 2023
Prunedale, CA
I have a 5-month-old ameraucauna rooster. His name is Beau. He's a very sweet guy and i love him a lot.

About 2 months ago, we noticed him not closing his beak fully and some head shaking. I looked in his throat, worried he had gape worms, and instead saw what I thought maybe was a little canker, but it must have been cracked corn, because the vet didn't see it 2 days later. Anywho, we noticed his breath was really raspy, not gurgly, just raspy like he had something in his throat or almost like someone wheezing when they have asthma. Note, throughout this entire time he has been sick he has no other symptoms. He eats and drinks, he has lots of energy, a nice red comb, normal poops, no eye discharge, no sneezing, no crop issuses. No lameless. Nothing out of the ordinary.

We took him to the vet and they did a swab of his throat, in which there was a lot of bubbles of spit, and found he had an overload of gram-positive bacteria. Interestingly, the vet found a tiny string wrapped around his tongue. I don't remember seeing that when i looked in his mouth 2 days prior, but she thought that might have been part of the problem. They said he had a respiratory infection, which the vet attributed to the string, and prescribed him liquid Clavamox to give 2.4ml 2x a day orally until gone (I think treatment is suppose to be 2 weeks but there was only enough in the bottle for 10 days) and to come back in 2 weeks.

He did not get any better. We took him back to vet for a follow up and they offered to do a culture of a throat swab. At this point we were about $410 in at the vet. They said it would take about 3 days.

I felt so bad for Beau and his wheezy self. I had Baytril on hand and I didn't want him to get worse, so hoping it would maybe help, I gave him baytril at the recommended dose for his weight 2x day for 5 days. I did notice he seemed a bit less raspy, but it didn't make it go away.

The vet called after a week and said he had a lot of bacteria in the culture. She couldn't tell me what it was, and almost seemed offput when I asked for a copy of the lab results (me, a common non-vet peasant). They said the clavamox they originally prescribed was not the right drug to treat what he had and prescribed doxycyline for 2 weeks 2x a day (1/2 pill each dose). The lab results say enterococcus, Pastuerella, and actinobacteria.

I have researched these, but it appears actinobacteria can be found normally in the gut, and that species was found in low concentration. Enterococcus appears to cause inflammation of spine and I didn't find much about it in respiratory infections, and Pasteurella causes fowl cholera, which sounds terrifying, and would seem the most likely culprit, though it appears this can also come on as a secondary infection. NOTE: I have 4 other chickens and 1 turkey and no one else has his symptoms or appears sick. They have ample space and a clean coop but we do have rats at night we are actively working to control.

He is 1 week into the antibiotics and still sounds the same. Sometimes he sounds normal, but especially in the morning, it sounds like he is an asthmatic wheezing to get air. I don't know what to do. I have not tried any natural remedies, though I do put chicken elixir in their water, which has oil of oregano.

Anyone have a respiratory infection in a bird that just wouldn't respond to antibiotics?


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How’s your boy doing now? After two weeks on the medication, he should have improved, at least a little bit. I have a hen who had sort of the same problem a few months ago, and I took her to the vet to get antibiotics. The issue never fully resolved, and to this day she still can’t breathe right. She eats and drinks normally, runs around with her friends, and lays eggs, but the heat especially is hard on her. None of the other chickens are affected, just her. I’m going to tag a member who was very helpful with my issue, and can hopefully help you with your guy. @azygous
How’s your boy doing now? After two weeks on the medication, he should have improved, at least a little bit. I have a hen who had sort of the same problem a few months ago, and I took her to the vet to get antibiotics. The issue never fully resolved, and to this day she still can’t breathe right. She eats and drinks normally, runs around with her friends, and lays eggs, but the heat especially is hard on her. None of the other chickens are affected, just her. I’m going to tag a member who was very helpful with my issue, and can hopefully help you with your guy. @azygous
Thank you so much for your reply and sharing your information/story with me. That sounds just like my roo. The wheezing did not go away after the doxycyline. He ended the meds on Friday. I am starting to give him rooster booster and going to start him on probiotics to help him recover from the 3 rounds of antibiotics. He still acts completely normal otherwise, posturing and running around defending the yard, eating and drinking and being full of spice haha I have read a lot lately about colloidal silver for respiratory stuff in poultry, which people seem to either swear by or completely dismiss. I bought a 10 ppm solution and I am going to begin giving him 1cc/day for the next few days. I started it yesterday, and honestly, I swear he sounded better this morning, but I will report back...maybe I just wasn't listening for the wheezing but I don't remember hearing it when I let him out. I am glad to hear my boy isn't alone. Someone suggested he might have asthma, but reading about the chicken resp system with the 2 air sack and lungs, I wasn't sure how that would work, and most posts about "chicken asthma " all refer to MG.
I don’t think the silver would hurt him, and if it might help, go for it! Just don’t put him on twenty different medications at once, you don’t want to overwhelm him, and also you want to know which ones work. It may take a few days to a week to see any change, but if there’s no change by two weeks, I’d discontinue it.

I really don’t think it’s fowl cholera. He doesn’t have any of the symptoms, like swelling on his face or joints, purple comb and wattles, or green diarrhea. He probably has MG or some other respiratory issue, and it’s just not going away. The antibiotics should have killed the infection, but there’s probably a lot of mucous still present. It could just need time to drain out, and that’s why he’s wheezing.

You said you thought it might be gapeworm? Did you ever get a fecal sample tested for worms?

On another note, how hot and humid is it where you live? Heat is a major stressor, and sometimes birds can wheeze if they’re too hot. Though I think it would have gone away by now…

Best of luck to you and your boy! It sounds like you’re taking the best care of him possible.
I don’t think the silver would hurt him, and if it might help, go for it! Just don’t put him on twenty different medications at once, you don’t want to overwhelm him, and also you want to know which ones work. It may take a few days to a week to see any change, but if there’s no change by two weeks, I’d discontinue it.

I really don’t think it’s fowl cholera. He doesn’t have any of the symptoms, like swelling on his face or joints, purple comb and wattles, or green diarrhea. He probably has MG or some other respiratory issue, and it’s just not going away. The antibiotics should have killed the infection, but there’s probably a lot of mucous still present. It could just need time to drain out, and that’s why he’s wheezing.

You said you thought it might be gapeworm? Did you ever get a fecal sample tested for worms?

On another note, how hot and humid is it where you live? Heat is a major stressor, and sometimes birds can wheeze if they’re too hot. Though I think it would have gone away by now…

Best of luck to you and your boy! It sounds like you’re taking the best care of him possible.
That's a great point. So far, I am just trying the colloidal silver and the rooster booster. I have been hesitant to give him probiotics because I haven't researched it enough yet to understand the bacteria they need in their gut, but maybe I will just stick with just the two things for now. The vet did a fecal float test and did not find any worms in that particular stool sample (he pooped right there at the vet office on their scale haha). I also treated the flock with Safeguard about the same time or just before the wheezing symptoms began (or at least were noticed). Would MG show up in the culture the lab did? I agree it didn't sound like fowl cholera either. I wish the vet would have explained the lab results more to me. Oh and the weather has been very cold this summer. It's been very foggy and wet. We finally started getting sun in the past month, but it hasn't been getting above 85 and their coop has a shade screen for hot days. I was initially worried about the heat going into summer because it can get quite hot where we are, but then I was more worried by the moisture and dampness and potential breeding ground for disease. I will let you know how he does with his current "treatment". Thank you so much for your responses!!!
Update: I gave my roo 1 cc of colloidal silver 10 ppm for 5 days. It did seem to help, but didn't make the wheezing go away. I went on vacation so I stopped the treatment while grandma watched our birds for us. Bo is still doing great, seeming strong and healthy, other than the wheezing, which is much harder to hear but present. I may try additional remedies to see if I can make it go away, but I have somewhat accepted the fact that he might just have it forever.
I’m glad he’s not doing too badly. It’s probably something he’ll just have to live with, like chicken asthma. My hen still wheezes as well, but she can still live a happy, full life. I wish the same for your boy 😊

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