Respiratory infection


Sep 3, 2020
So I think my Polish hen is showing signs of a respiratory infection. She has been sneezing and open mouth breathing once it a while (it's not severe but I don't want it to get worse). Is this a sign of a respiratory infection? If so, is there any way to treat it at home? Or will I have to get antibiotics? I just want to see if there is a way to treat it at home because TSC is pretty far from me.
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Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is the most common upper respiratory infection of backyard chicken flocks. The characteristic signs of naturally occurring infections are watery eyes, tracheal rales, nasal discharge, and coughing. ... Infections in younger birds are often more severe than older or adult birds.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is the most common upper respiratory infection of backyard chicken flocks. The characteristic signs of naturally occurring infections are watery eyes, tracheal rales, nasal discharge, and coughing. ... Infections in younger birds are often more severe than older or adult birds.

She's about 10 months old. She only has 2 signs which is sneezing and open mouth breathing.
My chicken has the same symptoms. Did you figure out what to do? I don't want to medicate if I don't know what I am dealing with.
Non of her symptoms got any worse so I did nothing. She is still doing fine a year later. So I say unless they show more severe signs (nasal discharge, foaming of the eyes, mucus coming from mouth, etc) than your fine. If it's more than just sneezing an open mouth breathing once and a while than I say treat with antibiotics. Just keep an eye on her for now. I'm no chicken expert but that's my advice from my experience.

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