respitory or worm??

similar to that little white spot but quite a few of them. would tapeworms cause them to cough and gasp?
No.. tapeworms won't cause the coughing. You might have a respiratory illness also.

Earthworms and fleas carry tapeworms.
lordy ok. pea size for paste? suggestion for respitory?
No. Absolutely not a pea size.
.03 ml per each pound the bird weighs.
Read both of these:
Article 'Worming Chickens—Medicines and Dosing Information'—medicines-and-dosing-information.73369/

Thread 'The Truth About the "Pea Sized Blob" of Horse Paste De-Wormer'

Respiratory diseases are very contagious.
Have you brought any new birds home recently?

No. Absolutely not a pea size.
.03 ml per each pound the bird weighs.
Read both of these:
Article 'Worming Chickens—Medicines and Dosing Information'—medicines-and-dosing-information.73369/

Thread 'The Truth About the "Pea Sized Blob" of Horse Paste De-Wormer'

Respiratory diseases are very contagious.
Have you brought any new birds home recently?
ok thanks for the info. no new birds. it's not really a cough more like they have something stuck in their throat. their crops are a lot smaller and softer than the rest at bed time. but acting completely normal otherwise
Did this start after you dewormed them?
no, before. they have been doing this for a week or two. no rattling sounds. nose is dry. comb is bright red. eyes are not watery. kind of lost on what to do.

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