Rest in peace Shell 🕊️💖

I knooooow!! She's absolutely gorgeous 🥰
I love taking her out and letting her explore my living space. I don't like keeping her in her home so much, I love seeing her explore. I spoil her with tooooo much kisses and practice flying. 💗
Awww! She sounds like she is living a great life.
Sadly, my baby pigeon Shell has passed away in my dad's hands. She was pooping green fluid this morning, as well my mom just informed not to tell me that she has been shaking in the corner.

I'm not in the best sight in mind at the moment since it has occurred right now.

In a split second anything can go wrong and im still crying for her back. Sometimes you wish you could've done differently but I know in my heart that I did all I could possibly have done. She was beated so bad, she had blood gushing and I really changed her life, she has healed and grown up beautiful before her passing. And, I'm so thankful that I let her pass away in her own time. I will give her a flower petals grave and make sure to give her a beautiful bed as she sleep comfortably.

Thank you guys for supporting me and helping me get her better.

Shell has been such an amazing pigeon in my life, no words can really describe how incredible she is to me. No one can take her from my heart not even her passing will make me love her less.

I- gosh it hurts 😣😭

Rest in peace
Shell 4/11/22

Love for you all, thank you. 🙏

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