Restaurant Wants to Talk about Buying Our Eggs... GA Residents, plz


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
I gave some eggs to a lady we know awhile back. She left a msg today, said she gave one dozen to her boss and now a restaurant wants to buy them from us. Now, I'm not sure what the boss's connection to the restaurant is (maybe she owns it?).

Here's my issue. This is GA. I dont believe we can legally sell our eggs to a restaurant without a license of some sort, but I really don't know. This is not something we pursued (remember, we were giving extras to the homeless shelter till that went wrong). Anyone here in GA know the rules of this? I usually have a heck of a time finding stuff on the Ga Dept of Ag site.
I'll keep looking, but thought perhaps someone might know the ins and outs in GA. Thanks so much. Off to check the site, again.

Okay, found this, but not on an official GA site:
Eggs sold at the farm for direct-to-consumer marketing typically are not produced or sold under a licence nor are the eggs inspected and therefore fall under the 'buyer beware' category. This is not to say that the farm-fresh eggs are bad or less wholesome, it is that they just have not gone through the cleaning and inspection process as those found within retail markets. Producers who sell eggs on their own farm are exempt from state and federal inspection and candling laws. However, from a food safety and buyer confidence standpoint, following the candling, grading and cold storage practices that are required for retail egg sales is also recommended for farm-sold eggs.

In order to sell eggs through a farmers' market or flea market, one must first apply for and obtain a licence from the Georgia Department of Agriculture and must follow posted 'local operating rules' for the market. The eggs must also have been candled by someone who is officially licensed as an egg candler as provided by the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Egg candling training can be obtained from the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Contact the district office nearest you to schedule a training opportunity.

Some 4-Hers may think they have an opportunity to sell their eggs to a local country store. However, eggs cannot be sold to or from any store that sells to the public unless the eggs and the facility from which they were processed meet state and federal inspection standards and the seller has a Georgia Department of Agriculture permit to do so. Roadside markets located on state or federal highways that cater to transient rather than neighborhood trade also fall under this inspection requirement.

****I finally did find the rules, folks. Anyone here sell to restaurants? for Licensing a Small Egg Producer.pdf
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I can tell you this, now because the restaurant no longer exists..

I sold my eggs legally to the lady ho owned the restaurant.. I told her I could not sell the eggs to her for her restaurant.. she told me to never mind, as far as I was concerned she was using them at her home.. I never delivered them to her restaurant..

It was a very small restaurant.. an average sized one uses many eggs

you should find out how many they will need before committing yourself.. You both might be surprised....
We dont have any large restaurants around here. I didnt even recognize the name of it when she said it in the msg. We get about 3 dozen a day here and there are only the two of us, so we always have lots of extras, but I dont want to make a real commitment to anything that's illegal anyway. Glad they liked the eggs, though!
The way I understand it you need a candlers license. You need that to sell any eggs. Then you can sell her no more than 30 dozen eggs at a time an she has to pick them up. But you can not sell her restaurant any. But what she buys for herself, its up to her what she does with them.

36 eggs per day divided by 2 eggs per serving = 18 breakfasts..... and most omelets take 3 eggs...

I would not add more chickens just to satisfy their needs.. there is very little profit in eggs at what restaurants will pay for them..
I already have too many chickens and no room to add more to the laying flock. I doubt I'll even consider this prospect since I hate having to get licensed for anything, especially when this state is involved. I did find out that this is an Italian type deli that serves sandwiches and salads and does desserts like cakes, cheesecake, etc. Bet that's what the fresh eggs are wanted for, the cakes.
Our friend just reopened a small diner ... he goes through OVER 90 dozen eggs weekly. Not only could I not make a dent in his requirements, I can't beat the price he is paying for them either.

Now if they are only looking for the eggs for baking ... that may be a different matter.

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