Retiring One Rooster and Introducing Two Others To The Flock


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 13, 2013

I have 22 established hens and Ed the Rooster (pic above). In June, I purchased some straight run Ameraucanas (one is male) and a male and female Cream Legbar.
I am considering "retiring" Ed and keeping the Legbar and Ameraucana males. So I can raise more pure Ameraucanas, Cream Legbars and also get some Easter Eggers using the hens I already have.

So my questions:

1. As the young males mature, will the established hens eventually take to them?

2. Will two males be okay with a total of 28 hens?

Thank you for the help!
I forgot to mention that the chickens range over a 1/4 acre fenced garden area during the day, and we have a 10X14 coop with a 10X14 attached run they go into at night.
The roosters will eventually get to the top of the pecking order I'd say that there is enough hens for 2 roosters but how protective is ed
Because he is at the top and when he leaves there will be a pecking order shift and the younger roosters will fill that spot
Ed hasn't been aggressive with the younger ones. They pretty much avoid him and the hens right now, choosing to stay inside the run/coop while the older ones go outside during the day.
Ed has gotten more rough with some of the hens lately, most are missing their head feathers. But he has been very good protecting the girls since I got chickens 1 1/2 years ago.
If you take ed out of the flock most likely one of the oldest hens will fill his spot and when the younger roosters reach Macherity there won't be such a big shift
Sorry that came different I ment that the younger roosters will half to fight to get to the top if you keep ed till they reach Macherity they will all redy be near the top and there will be less squabbling when ed leves

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