Retraining hens to new egg-laying spot?

Jenny's Chickens

12 Years
Jul 15, 2007
Any ideas on how I can retrain two of my hens to my preferred egg-laying spot?? Just this morning, I stalked my RIR into my neighbor's yard and found her spot where she had six eggs just sitting there and plopped her seventh right on top. My PR has taken to a spot under the barbeque. Both of these locations are outside the fenced area that I have set aside for them. They go literally bonkers in the morning trying to get to these spots from their run and ultimately succeed in getting out because they are so desperate. Obviously, I need to install some reinforcements, but would like them to just get used to the right spot.
Hmmm, do they seem to lay at the same time, or around the same time every day? Mine are morning layers. You can try to keep them in the coop...not the run...just in the coop, untill laying time is over. Put a few fake eggs in the nest boxes...or even a few of thier old eggs...just mark them with a sharpie, so you wont eat them later. Leave them in the coop untill they lay, then let them in the run for a few minutes....give them a treat....then let them out. Be persistant....every day...for about a week should work. Good luck!
Thanks -- worked like a charm. Felt really bad locking up the one chicken until she had her egg, but she seems to have forgiven me and voluntarily went into her box this morning to do her business.
Im glad to hear that worked for ya. Once in a while....mine seem to " forget" So I have to reteach them. LOL Seems to happen more when I let them out too early in the morning.

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