Returning Member after waaaay toooo many years

Loving my girls

Jun 22, 2022
I have never properly introduced myself to backyardchickens, my name is Debby.
I have 8 hens at present and have had hens for, well my mum had hens, my nanna had hens and my great nanna had hens so … I’ve been around hens all my life really. However I purchased my first pair of girls about 25 years ago Hannah and Francesca.
Due to the bird flu issues over here in France there is still a ban on transporting chickens so I have been buying local farm hens recently when my older ladies enter retirement. But some of my older ladies are Ruby a golden Wyandotte, Martha an Easter Egger and Iris a Vorwerk. My oldest lady is Dylis who is a black tail which is a posh name for a red farm hen with black bits in her tail 🤷‍♀️ she’s the boss and maintains her flock very well. Everyone knows their place and everyone (including the dogs and cats) know she is the boss. Having said that she’s not against a little cuddle now and then 😊 Our baby girls are Jenny a red and white farm hen, Tilly a leghorn/legbar cross, Buffy who is a beautiful dove grey stout little lady and Norah a jet black girl who’s feathers have a shimmering petrol coloured tint in the bright sunlight. I love them all.
I, along with so many, have mental health issues and find when life gets too much for me I can sit next to the hen house, throw some corn or mealworm and the girls join me with their happy clucking and comforting coo. Alternatively I can pull the hen house apart, clean it from top to bottom and leave it spotless in just about the time it takes me to relax my attitude. Goodness this makes me sound like a monster … I’m not … just bipolar with hens that calm me and can destress me however I feel. They have often saved my husband from the menopausal grizzly bear 😂 😂 😂 (no offence to any menopausal grizzly bears out there).
I mentioned that I also have dogs and cats, I have two dogs a golden retriever and a havanaise. Ben , my golden, gets groomed a lot as he sheds a lot but Alfie my havanaise takes most of my “in house” time. As he doesn’t moult I groom his cotton wool fur regularly and, to his chagrin, dunk him in the sink for a bath every couple of months.
I am married to Bill, a kind, gentle and extremely patient soul. We live in SW France and have done for the past 18 years. We did a self build to our own design a few years back and are now working on the garden. We both love the tranquility of this region and the kindness and generosity of the French people around us. Neither of us have any plans or intentions of returning to Blighty.
Apart from the fact we are very “green” and try to be as self sufficient as is possible there is little else to say except I look forward to joining in with backyardchickens.
Welcome back to BYC! :welcome
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