Reviews On Cackle Hatchery

I Love Layers

5 Years
Apr 25, 2015
I am going to possibly order 10 birds from Cackle Hatchery. Wondering about everyone's experiences, problems etc.

These birds are for production not show
I just ordered 15 pullets from Cackle Hatchery. All arrived alive and well. They sent 2 extras in case some didn't make it through the delivery. So I have 17 chicks. I did end up with one surprise rooster but that is not a problem for me. So overall I am satisfied with cackle hatchery. Hope this helps!
I ordered 3 Welsummer, 3 EEs, 3 Speckled Sussex, 3 Cornish X and 3 Red broilers last month from Cackle. They came in 8/19, one chick dead in box. They sent an extra EE and Cornish, I don't know what the dead chick was. All are doing very well, super healthy. Last week I ordered a weekly specialof 25 Red broilers for $1.75 each. They called to tell me that they couldn't fill my order as the hatching rates were low. They offered me 30 Cornish X which was very generous but I can't handle that many lumbering behemoths at this time! So I asked for 15 Cornish and fill the order with EEs or Delawares. I got 17 Cornish X and 14 EEs! All healthy and happy.

I am definitely getting my meaties from them next year. The birds are filling out nicely and there is an even m/f ratio which is what I wanted.
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They burnt me on some turkeys a few years ago and again on some geese this year. Never using them again.

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