Rhode Island not hatching in incubator


9 Years
Mar 26, 2010
I placed some Rhode Island Red eggs and some Aracauna eggs in my incubator. The Aracauna's hatched yesterday (i placed 6 and 5 hatched!) NONE of the Rhode Island Red eggs hatched (i placed 12 eggs). This happened last year and after waiting a few extra days I opened the eggs and they all had dead chicks in. So i figured it was a flook. BUT it happened again. Is there something special I need to do to the Rhode Island Reds in the incubator??? I have someone who wants some hatched and I want to start another batch for her soon since I was successful this time. PLEASE HELP!!!!

I also wonder about your eggs - from the same parents as last year? Are these your birds and have they ever hatched a clutch? Are these shipped eggs?

How far developed are the chicks in the eggs?

How frustrating.
They are from the same batch as last year. I just checked and one has a beak out and a few others are starting to chirp. But it seems they are having problems breaking the eggs???? They are not shipped and are from my own farm.I just wondered if this is a common problem with Rhode Islands. We will see...I am at the start of day 23 for the incubator. The other ones hatched on day 21 as they were supposed to. Thanks for the help.
Have you checked your incubator for hot and cold spots. This can result in late or early chicks as well as some early quiters..
I use a thermomet that has the external wire sensor and will place the sensor in different parts of the cabinet to compare temp. I have never found a incubator, inluding the dickeys or sportsman that didnt have some hot and cold spots somewhere in the cabinet. I try to make sure I am always monitoring the temp only in the egg trays and do not trust the thermometers that are placed directly on the door or window of the incubator.
We have had very good sucess hatching our RIR,s. We have had failure when the eggs are small. We have had three that came from small eggs. They all lasted a while but had issues.They eventually died. We will only set larger eggs from now on. Just a note we are having a very hard time hatching out our ducks. It drives me crazy after all the waiting. Guess this is part of the game. Good Luck !!

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