Rhode Island Red Rooster or Pullet?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 13, 2014
Hi Everyone!
March 1st I got a total of ten chickens, five different breeds: Rhode Island, Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Barred Rock, and Light Brahma. The one Rhode Island looks and act different then the other one, in fact, it acts different then the entire flock. I'm brand new to chickens, I research each day but I have no clue if this one is a pullet or rooster.
They were supposed to be 'guaranteed' all pullet

The first four pictures are the one in question, the last picture is the other Rhode Island. Thanks in advance!

Well, one Rhode Island's tail is kind of pointing down while the other one is straight up. "She" seems to be the leader of the flock, maybe she's the boss :)
Pullet. Roosters would have larger combs/wattles by now, and possibly even be growing in pointed tail and back feathers.
Thank you everyone! What a relief, roosters are not allowed in my area. She's just the leader of the flock. She'll need a good name ;)

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