Rhode Island Reds or New Hampshire Reds?


12 Years
Aug 29, 2009
Oregon City, OR
I was hoping for Rhode Island Reds however I am beginning to doubt that they are. They just don't seem dark enough. I love them whatever they are I'm just curious.


I think it might be something like Production Red or Sex-link? But not sure. Have they gone through their moult yet?
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They are New Hampshire hens. The difference between the two is mostly color. The Production Reds are darker than NHs. They use NH reds x RIRs to make most crosses for PRs they say there are others but this is the most popular cross. It gives them a hybrid vigor like the sex-links. Pretty girls one of my fav. breeds.
Production has crossed my mind also. I don't know a lot about Productions so I don't know how they compare in color. I don't think they are Sex Links. There are hints of black in their tails if that maters. Charlie has more then red.
They are about 23 weeks old and laying beautiful eggs. I haven't experienced a molt yet. These are my first Chickens. I love them!
Id say it was a Sex-link or a light colored Production red.
Even with a hatchery New Hamshire and Rhode Island Reds you should have more black in the tail..
New Hampshires are bread from Rhode Island Reds...
Production Red have Rhode Island Red and Leghorn in them...

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I would say if they are sex link they are not from any of the more popular crosses. they're to light in color and if you cross them with a white leghorn they should be all white with a few red specks here and there. Sure not a cross with brown leghorns this cross has a lot more smutting in the feathers and a very much more compact body. Still say NH red pullets have had a bunch of them. Great layers, spunky.
catdaddyfro: if you cross them with a white leghorn they should be all white with a few red specks here and there. Sure not a cross with brown leghorns this cross has a lot more smutting in the feathers and a very much more compact body

I said "Production Red have Rhode Island Red and Leghorn in them"
As in some where in the breeding of the production red there was Leghorn blood added..
Just like the Rhode Island Red was originated from crossing the Red Malay, LEGHORN and Asiatic native stock..
There is some information on production reds here...


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