Rhode Island Reds.... (WHAT??!!)


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
....I just wanted to see what new chicken keepers would see when they typed basic questions into Google Search. I tried "what breed of chicken is the friendliest?" and it said "The Rhode Island Red is the friendliest......" and it kept saying how sweet, calm, and docile they are! It even said they loved to me petted and held.

Now I've heard differently. I always thought (from reading all kinds of posts, articles, listening to podcasts, and watching videos) that Rhode Island Reds are a pretty mean and aggressive breed.

Now I don't know what to think. :rolleyes:

What are your opinions?


Disclaimer: Not my picture.
My opinion. Some pit bulls are valuable friendly pets, good around children. Some are vicious brutes dangerous to anyone. Some horses are great around children, gentle and careful. Others are dangerous. Some Silkie chickens are as sweet and nice as can be, some are downright brutes to other chickens or to people.

My opinion is that some RIR's are sweet, calm, and docile. Some are pretty mean and aggressive. You are dealing with living animals, they are all different.
My opinion. Some pit bulls are valuable friendly pets, good around children. Some are vicious brutes dangerous to anyone. Some horses are great around children, gentle and careful. Others are dangerous. Some Silkie chickens are as sweet and nice as can be, some are downright brutes to other chickens or to people.

My opinion is that some RIR's are sweet, calm, and docile. Some are pretty mean and aggressive. You are dealing with living animals, they are all different.

:thumbsup Well said!!
I have a Rhode Island Red. She’s really friendly (to both most of my other flock and humans, but especially humans) to the point of being almost too friendly. I can’t sit outside without her on my lap, or trying to get on.

That being said, I think it depends on each specific bird. I raised her since she was a baby, which probably contributes to how nice she is. I’ve noticed a difference in how friendly my chickens are when I raise them from a day old, vs a few weeks/months old.
She’s also the only RIR I’ve had, so I don’t know if they’d all be that friendly if I got more.
I also think it changes with how big your coop is, how many other birds you have, where they are in the pecking order, etc.

Here’s my girl. :D

IMO, I wouldn’t really worry too much if some people say they’re friendly, and some people say they aren’t. You’ll never know how friendly they’ll be for you unless you try them.
Now, if everyone said they were terrible, and no one said they liked them, I think that would be a different matter. :p
Mine aren't mean, they just keep to themselves. My Barred Rocks were the first in my flock to show any intrest in me without food in my hand. But I didn't handle them while very young. It's hard to eat a pet when they stop laying!
They are good with people. My first pet as a little kid was a RRR hen I named Henny Penny. Would even follow me to the school bus. I have had them before in a mixed flock and by themselves. They are mean bastards to each other and other chickens. There can be well behaved ones but I never had any. :)
Two of my Rhode Island Reds are very sweet al the time, one will peck me but ONLY when she is roosting. They are a bit heavy, so hard to hold, but they will tolerate being held if you pin their wings against their body so they don't hit you in the face while flapping. All chickens have their own personalities, so even the sweetest breed may have a mean bird. Hand-raising them helps.
I had to rehome my RIR. She would peck my legs anytime she had a chance. I tried holding her, “pecking” her back , holding her down etc.. it would work for a day or two and then she was back it again.... hated to be always on the lookout when refilling feeders so she went to join my dads flock. He said I was exaggerating and that he would show her who’s boss.... a week later he came and told me “your chicken is crazy!!” She keep pecking my hands and legs and won’t stop”! She lays the biggest brown egg so that’s what is keeping safe from the pot! I don’t eat my chickens but he does! Mine was a hatchery RIR so maybe it has something to do with it.

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