Rhodebar Sexlink

Well here is said chick at 3wk5days

Whatever we wanna call it, it's pretty cute so far LOL


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My time to shine 😈 I don't think I've ever see Rhodebars in the "what breed or gender" forum. Very cool! I haven't had any chicks of the breed since 2014 but from what I can tell they look to be pullets. Get some better pictures after they dry-off though! I can't speak for your line, but years ago they were super easy to sex, only the males at a grey color and a headspot. Did they come out of light brown eggs? It could be the lighting, but I have to admit the egg color looks a bit off in the incubator picture for a Rhodebar. Where did you get them? Ever since I've had Rhodebars I've wanted more but the only reputable breeder I can find nowadays for them is Greenfire Farms because they lost their short-lived fad and either they've been sold out or unavailable when I've wanted chicks. Consider yourself lucky you have some! They are so very friendly. They were the only breed I've raised where almost all of the five hens were lap chickens and were so naughty. Very inquisitive and always biting and exploring with their beaks. They're very interactive and lack fear.
I just saw this and I am very late to the reply obviously but I. one of the very few true enthusiasts that didn't get out of the rhodebars when the fad wore off and legbars took the scene. I got them from a breeder that acquired them directly when they were first introduced. They had the best personalities and are the best layers. I had spent almost $2000 in a course of 3 months buying 20-25 pullet chicks at $10 each and males at $5 each. Later males were give to me as I bought pullet chicks. After several 4 hour trips one way I had a bunch of chicks to select from. Up to this point the breeder had bred them as they were with money in mind. To them quantity meant dollar signs. I setup 2 breeding pens using the best rooster and 12 hens I had in each pen. Over several years I have made so much improvement that I love them more now than when I got them. I'm no longer NPIP. Don't care to have big brother in my business after being a tester and finding out that it's got hidden agendas. I'd be happy to send eggs, chicks, or started birds to you so you can help me work on keeping them going before they just disappear from no one breeding them. Other than Papas Poultry, if his are the real deal, I am unaware of anyone else breeding them other than me and Greenfire if they even have Rhodebars true to their original imports anymore.

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