Ribh's D'Coopage

Sue took this video, do you folks have these little hummers over there?

Humming birds are gorgeous. 🤗

I just looked it up to see if we have any anywhere in Australia. Nope 🥺

Apparently they are only in the Americas and associated islands, so Europe & Asia don't have any either.

We do have some cute nectar feeders like the Eastern Spinebill
but they don't "hum" . They stop to feed 😄

They are rather bigger than most hummingbirds too I would imagine.
It's nice to come and talk chicken with , relatively, sane people. ;) We are all chicken mad here!

Thank you all for your concern. I am genuinely touched :love:hit

MJ, I'm glad your brother has improved.

My sister seems to get worse over time, more noticeably since Mum died 2 years ago.

I expect the chronic pain she's been in for the last few months hasn't helped. :( It doesn't excuse the hurtful, vitriolic behaviour though.

Here's hoping medical intervention helps. :fl

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