Rice Bran as a Substrate for mealworms


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Does anyone know if I can use Rice Bran as a substrate for my mealworm production? My worms arrive tomorrow and my local feed store only has Rice Bran. I don't want to hoof it all the way into the city for wheat bran from the Whole Food Store.
Plain old oatmeal, or does it have to be the oat bran? I have oat bran, but I hate to give it to the worms, its my food
I should just bite the bullet and run up to the city for the wheat bran. Although for what it will cost me in gas I could buy the 50lb sack next week at the local feed store. He was out of it and only had rice bran.
Plain old oatmeal is fine as is oat bran. You can also use chicken feed until your feed store gets a new shipment of bran. Unmedicated chick crumbles, layer crumbles/mash would be good and you're likely to have some of that on hand now.
I used a new box of whole oatmeal and some of my oatbran, I threw in a couple of potato slices and they seem happy. 2000 mealworms does not look like alot. How do they count them haha.
I always use crumbles (usually starter,but I think any kind would be fine) and mix in some oatmeal from my kitchen. I have been doing it for the three years since I started. I like not having to buy something else to store, just for the mealworms. They are SO easy!! You don't have to be picky or even consistent with them!! I once left mine in a closet in the garage for MONTHS without any care at all!!! I just knew they were goners.....but there were actually plenty of live ones in there, all stages, so I refreshed their containers with some oatmeal and potato, and they were thriving again!!! I have always had tons of animals of all sorts, and this is probably the easiest thing I have done for any of them!!

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