Ridgeway Hatchery


12 Years
May 22, 2007
Greeneville, Tn
I came across this hatchery in the Hobby Farms mag. I did a search here and there is no mention on them. Has anyone used them here? What can you tell us about them? I know they are in OH but that is it.
Hi--I grew up in the town where they're located. I now have chickens but have never ordered from them. I know people who do and I get the impression they're OK. Not the cheapest out there, but they seem to have good quality, big birds. I currently order from Eagle Nest, also in North central Ohio. As a side note, my brother worked for Ridgeways in high school, hauling dead chicks to the local dump. I remember him leaving his clothes on the porch. Anyhow,Good luck.
There was a neighbor down the road that ordered some 1/2 of them doa he wasn't pleased eagles nest is great we have RIR's from there oly downfall is finding the place and getting ahold of someone. Meyers I heard is good have 55 chicks comming from there and we have a assortment of egg layers from MT Healthy they turns out well.
I ordered 25 all pullets from them last year. I live close so I picked them up and they were all very lively and spry. Even the 6 roosters I later found out (90% sexing my booty)
. I did have one later that was a failure to thrive and died and one crossed beak. The girls are all laying now and producing well. They are decent for hatchery birds but don't be sucked in by their ARAUCANAS they have rumps and are very sweet EE's. I do have one that is a decent blue egg but most are green.

When I picked them up I asked if they would give me a tour and I think I threw them off guard because they told me that no one has ever asked that before. They agreed and walked me through their operation. Very nice people there in LaRue, Ohio. I would go back to them again.
My local feedstore orders from Ridgeway, so my chickens are from there. I think they are basic garden variety chickens.

The RIR I got from them is a production Red. The Araucana I received was an EE, and a sweet bird ~ laid green eggs. However, the EE died at 37 weeks, from what I can tell of a congenital problem like heart/liver.
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