ringed teal?

Wait till you hear the sounds they make. Youll have to have em.
Ring teal are box nesters, and you do have to have a fed permit. Check your local laws , We have raised them for several years..
Any single state cannot add regs onto the Fed laws... They cannot add to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the ringed teal isn't on that list... What I have found out is that the State usually doesn't know, but they'll tell you the permit is required just to cover their butts... They told me I had to have the permit for Mandarins here in UT, and they fall under the same category as the ringed teal. Ticks me off when they try and add regs where there aren't any. So no fed or state permit is required anyplace in America.

If you are saying you need a fed permit to ship across state lines, then yes, you need to have your farm tested and the proper permits to ship across state lines. Anything that crosses state lines becomes a federal issue... Anything on that list or not... But that is covered under shipping, not simply owning them or selling them within the state.


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