ringed teal?


edited to add: My little ringed teal double clutched (after an unfortunate First clutch _0_) and started sitting yesterday!!

Very nice- just wish I lived closer to you!
My dad loves the ring teal.. so far we have 20 this year and 2 more are still seating on eggs and I think another has laid.. of couse I think my Apricot Wood duck ran a ring teal off her nest.. Broody hen!

I love to listen to them.. Meow!!

all my mine but one have laid in raised wood ducks boxes. I had one go brood in a ground box.. 3 ring teal and 4 red crested pochards..

Sadly i pulled my 5 little ringed teal eggs the other day. This is here second clutch this year, first batch was fertile but didn't get turned sufficiently and died and this second batch wasn't fertile.
sorry to here that! We have at least 30 and 2-3 more hens still setting! my dad loves the ring teal and I am scared he will be like we can't sell those! We have let almost all of our birds set on their own eggs this year.. Next year I am going to keep better track of when a nest start having eggs in it and I am going to pull them after w eek if no one has gone Broody! i would have had a few goldeneye this year and mayeb a few more ruddies.. here is to hoping the one ruddy egg I pulled last week hatches under my cochin! 2 of the other 5 did but the healthy bird died and the special need bird is still alive. yeah hs is special needs, he swims in a circle and hold his head funny.
We have 1 male and 2 female ringed teal ducks and have had them for a year and they still have yet to lay one egg! They are for sale but nobody knows what they are, and dont want to pay what I am asking (very cheap). We have tried everything to get them to lay and nothing has happened.
Try posting them for sale in the other poultry for sale part of the forum.
What type of nesting boxes are you using? how much cover do you have in your aviary?

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