Ringneck Pheasants noisy?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 10, 2013
Are Ringneck Pheasants noisy?
can they be kept as a backyard pet?
Which of the two are less noisy (if at all) male or female?
I don't think there is any species of bird that isn't noisey during the breeding season. But it is mostly the males. Problem with making them a backyard pet is that they tend to be a little skiddish. Even when hand raised they tame well but they still have a lot of wild in them. You would need a fair size run in order for them to feel safe against hawk, owls and even cats and dogs.... not sayin it can't be done.... just a lil harder than a chicken
thanks for reply...
I'm not concerned bout breeding season, just want to know if they are noisy in day to day life of them?
Not generally in day to day life. What I meant was for 3 or 4 months of the year the males ARE noisey... hens usually not so much

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