RIP Fred

ChickenGirl 19

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
BC, Canada
Today I had to put down my EE Fred.She was a really sweet chicken but she managed to get herself stuck behind the coop and stabbed her leg with some wire. It looked fine at first but it bled a lot and the wound was deep. Her leg ended up swelling a lot and although it eventually went down her wound never healed. Fred couldn't put any weight on her leg and her wound, if anything, was getting worse. She had little want to drink and although she had appetite, would only eat if coaxed and she lost most of her weight. She slept most of the time.

So today me and my family decided the most humane thing to do was put her down. Down to the apple tree I went and after she was dead we buried her by the tree. For a first time killing, well, anything, I think I did well. I succeeded my first try.

RIP Fred.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I too recently lost a Fred except my Fred was a boy and he was a game chicken. He was a favorite around here and well it just really sucks. My Fred died on his own in the house (i brought him in to separate him when I found out he had chicken lice and some thing else must have gotten him while his immune system was compromised because he didn't make it through the night that night. We had a traditional shoe box funeral out by the back fence it was nice, everyone cried, (I have four girls and my youngest are 5&6) we prayed and asked Jesus to be sure Fred had plenty of bugs to eat in chicken heaven. It's just some thing that happens sometimes that we cant control so we have to deal with. It sux but hang in there and keep in mind new baby chicks help a lot :) takes your mind off of things and keeps you busy. lol
I'm so sorry for your loss. I too recently lost a Fred except my Fred was a boy and he was a game chicken. He was a favorite around here and well it just really sucks. My Fred died on his own in the house (i brought him in to separate him when I found out he had chicken lice and some thing else must have gotten him while his immune system was compromised because he didn't make it through the night that night. We had a traditional shoe box funeral out by the back fence it was nice, everyone cried, (I have four girls and my youngest are 5&6) we prayed and asked Jesus to be sure Fred had plenty of bugs to eat in chicken heaven. It's just some thing that happens sometimes that we cant control so we have to deal with. It sux but hang in there and keep in mind new baby chicks help a lot :) takes your mind off of things and keeps you busy. lol

I'm so sorry about Fred.
Thanks guys. Fred was one of the family favourites and it was hard to lose her.
We do have a few 4 week old chicks in a brooder from when the Buff Orpington went broody (again), but they turned out to be Cornish Xs so we need to figure out what to do with them. :/
Thanks guys. Fred was one of the family favourites and it was hard to lose her.
We do have a few 4 week old chicks in a brooder from when the Buff Orpington went broody (again), but they turned out to be Cornish Xs so we need to figure out what to do with them. :/
Cornish X? Time for a trip to the freezer I would think.

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