RIP Helena

Sorry for your loss

I had to have my Mama Frizzle put down last night and i am grieving with you
I'm sorry Lurky!
I like to think Helena just went to sleep and didn't wake up. She was in the with the babies as a chaperone, they seem lost without here so I put Woo in with them. Woo is not thrilled lol,, she's so small the babies are almost her size!
I am sooooooo sorry for you and for Lurky. I just lost a guinea hen and one of my turkey hens last week, so I am crying with you also.

I was wondering how old she was too. Thought she might have died from old age, but that wasn't it.

She's up there with the rest who have gone on before us just waiting for us to join them. I know she's having fun with my "kids".

Real love never dies. It is eternal. So are the ones who share it, in my opinion.

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