RIP my beautiful rooster


9 Years
Nov 17, 2010
Central Florida
Saturday morning a fox dug under my chain link fence and made off with my beautiful rooster. I'm sure he was doing what he does best, protecting his girls. I think the hens are in shock because I haven't gathered a single egg since.


I'm sorry to hear that :-( those darn fox are just sneaky and aweful! If you don't mind me asking did this happen during the day or night ? We've recently have been dealing with what sounds like a young male fox who has gotten two of my baby hens and one adult red that is one of our good layers.. I've had the opportunity to shoot at him twice now but looks like I need some more target practice :-/ but I'm always on the watch for him now, we have our fencing buried 1.5 ft with cement and a foot of River Rock on top. And for night time we have the battery powered motion lights around, very inexpensive and hopefully helps deter any bad guys.
Saturday morning a fox dug under my chain link fence and made off with my beautiful rooster. I'm sure he was doing what he does best, protecting his girls. I think the hens are in shock because I haven't gathered a single egg since.


Oh, he was beautiful! The hens will start back up again. They don't deal with change well, and it seems any little thing can throw them off laying for a bit.

I'm sorry to hear that :-( those darn fox are just sneaky and aweful! If you don't mind me asking did this happen during the day or night ? We've recently have been dealing with what sounds like a young male fox who has gotten two of my baby hens and one adult red that is one of our good layers.. I've had the opportunity to shoot at him twice now but looks like I need some more target practice :-/ but I'm always on the watch for him now, we have our fencing buried 1.5 ft with cement and a foot of River Rock on top. And for night time we have the battery powered motion lights around, very inexpensive and hopefully helps deter any bad guys.
How is it getting to your birds?
He's been nabbing throughout the day randomly while free ranging. I have smartened up and so have the girls. It would happen when they get close to woods line so we have all learned together so even the rooster has physically stopped my girls from getting Too close now.. It's amazing how they adapt! I sit out in the mornings when I let them out and let the dog roam when we aren't home and sit out every night when they head back in. I have my gun ready to go when he wants to try it again.... I was close last time and haven't seen him back since but he may be letting the air clear... Don't trust them until I see it dead!

Just now heading back towards coop, Hercules tight by there side, good boy...
He came in the yard in broad daylight. I let the chickens out of their coop in the morning and they free range in the yard (2.5 acres) until evening. Recently one of my hens brought me 4 new biddies that are RJ's. Hopefully one of them is a roo.
We saw a fox in broad daylight running from our coop the other day when he spotted us. I do not have any wire buried, but I do have 2' wide wire laid out horizontally around the perimeter with a layer of gravel on top. I hope this works. I don't see any signs of anything digging or trying to get in otherwise.

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