RIP Nugget


Mar 7, 2022
Just wanted to come somewhere and talk because I'm sad, hah. There is this one hen I've had for nearly three years and I've saved her life many a time. She became my favorite hen! Started chatting with me and would follow me around. Last night was a very long day and I completely forgot to close her little latch leading to the inside of her coop and of course that is the night a predator was out on the hunt. It got her. I found her this morning and buried her. I have other hens but this one hen had me wrapped around her little feathers and because of my carelessness of not closing her latch FOR ONE NIGHT...well I learned a lesson. I think that hurts just as much as something getting her.

Anywho...I'm sure some people will understand and others will find it funny that I'm so bummed over my little hen.

RIP Nugget.
I am so sorry. We lost our beloved drake one night when it got late, too. We had tried to put the ducks away earlier, but you know how ducks can be! So it got late by the time I remembered to go back out and try again, and sure enough, I only saw the hens swimming together, and not him. My heart sank immediately.

Certain ones sure hold a special place in our flocks, and in our hearts.

It's not silly to feel sad. I'm sorry you lost your special hen. ❤️

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