RIR hen waits at dusk to be put to bed

Speckledhen, you must have spent a lot of time with your Snow. She is really a pet. That's funny. I'd say your husband is hooked on her too. I wish I had tamed mine more as chicks. All summer long when we are outdoors, the hens watch us, hoping for a treat. We had lots of blueberries this year and they were shameless every time we walked by the blueberry bushes. This give us a lot of pleasure, eh!
Speckledhen, so sorry to hear about your hen. I certainly don't know about internal egg problems but I did read about it from a library book. Have you tried any remedies?
There are no remedies for internal laying, sadly. It's a hormonal imbalance and the only thing that could be done is a hysterectomy, not something I have money to do on several hens. With the two I have that are going downhill fast and the three I lost earlier this year from the same issue, that's half of my original ten girls to die of the same thing. All hatchery birds from the same hatchery, all between two and three years old. A very knowledgable person suggested I might not want to get anymore birds from there.
I have a silver marans named Henrietta who insists on being picked up and carried too and from her coop when let in or out. LOL She is spoiled rotten and very personable. She is my fav of all my birds

>>All hatchery birds from the same hatchery, all between two and three years old. A very knowledgable person suggested I might not want to get anymore birds from there.

Cynthia, Blue Ridge Mtns<<

Can you tell us which hatchery and which breed?


Carol in Minnesota
Hey, country lady...are you sure she's not vision impaired? Seriously...sounds like she acts like a little pullet I have that I believe to be going blind now. She's fine otherwise. But at first, I had to shine a light on the roost for her to be able to see to get up onto it. My girl, as I said, is fine otherwise. I just make sure she knows where the food and water is. I doubt she'll ever lay for me, but she's happy and otherwise healthy, and is enjoying life. So, she's staying put. I'm sorry if I sound negative...not my intention, if so! Enjoy your girls!
Wynette, I doubt that Red is going blind--just throw a grub in there and she is on it even if she has to hop-scotch over other hens. Is your hen really going blind? That's sad. What breed is she? Red isn't the only one who occasionally has to have a spotlight on the roost. They wait until dark to go in and then have to find the roost all the while the other chickens are pecking them on the head. It's funny to watch. Blondie, the Buff Orp has to eat just like a little kid wanting a drink of water every night.

Speckledhen, do any of the hens lay that have the hormonal problem? I never heard of that. What I read about was the egg breaking inside the hen. Strange.

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