RIR is it too early to tell gender?


9 Years
Jun 4, 2010
Fort Payne, AL
I have 2 RIR chicks that will be 6 weeks old on Tuesday. Is it too early to tell thier gender? One is much more feathered than the other and has tail feathers coming in. The other is slower to feather on the back and has no tail feathers yet. The second also has lighter colored shoulders. Both combs seem small and neither are turning pink yet. Looking for some of your expert advice. Thanks.
Chick number 1 body and close-up


Chick number 2 body and close-up


I'm no expert, but having two of the same breed with such different tail feathers usually means different sexes. Were there markings different as day olds? Females are supposed to have more distinctive stripes.
I don't really think there were any real difference in their feathers as day old chicks.
These were the "extras" in an order from Ideal, so that means they are probably at least 95% chance of being roos. There were 7 extras all together. I gave 5 away when I first got them and decided to let 2 of them grow and see. There is a difference in feathering so I was hoping that at least one little pullet got mixed in the group. I'm most likely going to try adn give these 2 away next week, but if one is a pullet, then I might try to keep her.
Does anyone know at what age the roo's combs turn red in a RIR? Then I should know for sure???
they both look like hens to me!!

i also have rirs that are almost 6 weeks and the two boys definitely has larger combs than yours.
I have a very similar little RIR to the one in your second picture! I'll be paying attention to this thread as well as I've been wondering it's sex. I've been "hoping" it was just the terrible heat/humidity that was causing it to feather out so slowly!

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