RIR with white eggs?

bjash i have the same thing happening! i have a RIR bantam, and her eggs are what i swear to be white! i guess they are just very pale, but sure look white to me, i thought they were from my cochin who definetly lays white, but they are from her, my standard RIR layed a nice brown one, very different in color.
Well, at least I know it's not just my eyes!
bjash, I just read another post and someone had a chicken laying brown eggs, and all of a sudden BAM..a white egg also....strange things are happening now all over.
Did you compare it directly with a white egg (from the store). Hold them up next to each other? Or place it on a white piece of paper?
I have one PR that sometimes lays a "white" egg, but it has a brown tint.
They're real close. I think the store one might be just a touch whiter, but that's because they're bleached (we just wash ours with soap and water) and the pictures I took were before washing.
No difference in color (it's white throughout).

Maybe I have one eating too many oyster shells? I offer them free choice all the time to them.

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