RIR's possibly a hen & a roo?

Yes, they can be big pets. Mine still follow us around and peck our shoes from time to time. lol

I'm really hoping I have a roo. I also have some 3-4 week old chicks we have not quite figured out what they are yet. But I really want a roo. Might have get one from my dad. He has 2 roo's right now.
I wish you lived closer I'd let you have mine. He is sweet and I am going to be sad to see him go but there is just no way we can have a rooster
I have 2 pullets that look exactly like yours, they are a cross between a RIR cockerel and warren hens. They have 4 brothers, same mum and dad,and they have dark brown feathering.
Hubby is hoping that everyone is wrong and he is not a rooster, but I think he is just in denial LoL! He really likes that chicken alot and I think he is hoping that I will have to deal with getting rid of him on my own when he deploys this summer. I showed him pictures of the adult red sex link rooster and he says they are very nice looking, so maybe he is cosidering keeping him? Not sure LoL! He says he is not an animal person but he jumps when he hears our newborn kittens meowing for food, I keep catching him sitting on the porch watching the chicks and he is always playing with our dogs too. Silly hubby. Thanks again for the help with my chicks, I really appreciate it
my dh is the same way lol im thinking of getting a potbelly pig and he keeps saying no and its not coming inside but then he smiles and jokes about how its going to be grunting and nudging us while were watching tv or something . lol i thinks he wants one just doesnt want a zoo lmao but were almost there lol dont ya love non animal lovin hubbies lol
LoL mine is constantly calling our house a zoo too. I have him talked into a farm at our next and last duty station, I want to raise goats & chickens, maybe turkeys and a horse or two

Just wanted to make sure that this is a roo, here is a better pic of my probably red sex link. Is he for sure a roo? If so I will have to find him a good home really soon. He is 5 weeks old now, was told he was a PR
lol wish i could really help but i think it looks roo ish to me but dont get rid of him yet id wait till he crows lol or someone else says
Oh I wish it was only 1 person who said he is a rooster, I have been told by a few people on a few different threads, I was just so hoping he was a she
Such a pretty chick and we have become attached to him already, especially hubby and my youngest. It will be wierd to see my lil flock without him in it. It is for the best though because I have read that red stars/sex links roosters can be aggressive and he has not been very nice to the new girls I picked up today. I didn't know I was supposed to quarentine them so they have all been introduced, spent some time together and he was squirted with a water bottle a few times for pecking my buff orps. Thanks for helping though, I appreciate it everyones help & input even if it was not the news I was looking for. Have a good night

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