Rising cost of groceries...

We don't get a raise this year b/c we both work for the State, which is a really good job, and I am very thankful that we have our jobs. But when the price of everything goes up and your pay doesn't it creates problems.
Yeah, my MIL is going to teach me to can salsa, tomatoes, corn and maybe make jam---depending on how well my strawberries do this year. Which may or may not help much, but we do eat a lot of fresh veggies all summer and less meat. We're also going to be getting a 1/2 a cow this fall--it's all organic/grass fed beef...so that will help.

But it's still worrysome. We have three groceries store within about an hour's drive...a Wal-Mart, Safeway & one called Caso's which is a Hispanic store (all Hispanic/ethnic items for sale)....so we don't have too much choice, either. Safeway is a lot more expensive than Wal-Mart, but has better produce.
The best tip for saving a few $ at the grocery store , is to sit down with all you recipebooks and your family and pick out recipes for the month, then make a list of what you need. Check your pantry to see if you have anything on that is on your list and if so mark it off. Buy only what is on your list. NO EXTRAS
I do this every month and it helps alot. Also try making your own laundry detergent. It easy to make. By clearance and markdowns as much as possible (when it comes to meat). If an item you use is being discontinued, buy as much as possible at the low price.
Buy your bread at the local bread store. They usually have a section of markdown and you can get bread for as little as 0.75 cents a loaf, buy as much as possible and freeze it.
There are many ways to save, you just have to get very strick with yourself and the grocery store.
Check out the http//:hillbillyhousewife.com website. They have monthly menus on there. There are also other homestead sites that offer monthly menus. Hope this helps you like it helped our family.
We're doing the $8/gallon of milk here BUT at the brand new Wal-Greens, there's half-gallons for $2.19 on sale.

Fresh fruit and veggies: forget it!

Fast food: is becoming the cheaper way to go and my scale is not happy with that
We tightened our belt last year due to financial circumstances, now we are dropping our cable TV and trying to save even more, we do not know how cheap we are going to have to go, we live in the city and a garden would be hard but I am going to try this year.
You don't even want to get me started on this one.
I have a family of seven and three of those seven are teenage boys who eat me out of the house! We have had to change our eating habits immensely. We eat a lot of p.b.&j. now and lots of soup, kraft macaroni (the powder kind), corn bread, pasta w/ chicken, etc... Another cheap favorite around here is what we call a fried egg sandwich. I crack an egg, pop the yolk, and let it cook turning it to cook both sides. I then add it to what I would make into a grilled cheese sandwich. You butter two pieces of bread on one side each. On one non-buttered side add a little mayo., a piece of cheese, and the egg. Finish cooking like you would cook the grilled cheese sandwich. YUMMY! Serve with a glass of juice and you have a pretty balanced meal.


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