Roo Id Please


14 Years
Feb 1, 2009
Schuyler, VA
This is a roo that I rescued from out back of my office building at work. He was young and VERY sweet when I got him but now that he's grown he no longer wants to be held:(. Does anyone know what he is? I am new to the forum so I hope I am adding the pic right.

I have no clue what he is, except beautiful! In case you haven't heard of it yet, Feathersite has pics of virtually all breeds and most varieties within the breeds. That's where a lot of us go to learn to identify breeds. And it's fun just to look at all those different birds.

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What kind of comb does he have? He's beautiful and I have a couple thoughts, but could probably narrow it down if I knew his comb type.
I'm sorry. I thought it was a pea, rose or buttercup comb. It was really hard to tell by the pic. I didn't even consider a straight comb breed based on those assumptions. I'll think about it some more.

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