Roo or Hen? Help Please...

I'm thinking it's a roo...but far too dark in the photos to be a BR. The feathering shapes make me think roo, but the color more closely matches my pullets. I think they might be a little more barred though, even. Beautiful bird, no matter what it is!
Im saying a girls cause I dont see any hackle feathers my 16 week old roo has longer tail feathers nd hackle feathers
here is his pic See how long the neck feathers are compared to the pullet next to him? By the way thats Sweet Pea
Can we see a pic of your other bird too as you may have 2 roos
I can see it's tail feathers in one pic and they look very green and curved, if you are 100% sure the bird is 7 months then it is probably a hen but it looks like it is still developing to me going by the feather growth I can see in which case it is younger than 7 months and is most likely a roo, how long have you had them now? and what is their behaviour like? egg laying/crowing should be happening at 7 months but if they are new this could stop for a while till they get used to their surroundings.
The coloring of the feathers indicates female in a BR. In the one picture, even though it's a little blurry, it looks like it has a yellowish leg with the dark colored line down the front, also an indication of female.
Oh please don't tell me that!! Could I really have ended up with both roos??!?!
These are the 1st chickens I've ever owned, and the lady I bought them from said they were females. Alot of people have asked if I was sure of the age, and the answer would have to be no. She told me they were about 6 months old when I got them. I have had them for 1 month. That's all I know. The BR is the one that I was worried about because of the strange CAAWING the last 4 mornings, but with all the talk about hackle and saddle feathers, now I'm worried about the Australorp mix also. Could it be that the female of this breed has pointed hackle feathers (please, oh please, oh please).

They are both pretty friendly, and there has been no egg laying from either. Here are photos of them both. My camera isn't that great, so I don't know how much you can rely on color. Again...thank you for everyones help.




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