Roo stopped roosting in house...and is taking flock with him...

So Henry is a Silver Spangled Hamburg! Thanks, I didn't know what he was! He was a "gift" from McMurrays, haha!
I had read some things about a wide roost being better for frostbite, but I had already built mine and thought maybe it would be ok...that's very good to know, now I won't make the same mistake twice! Thank you!
I have two rows of nest boxes, and my hens mostly prefer the lower ones, so putting the nests near the floor would be fine. You might consider doing what another poster did: make a very sloped top to the nest boxes that is hinged and opens up as a storage area for feed, etc., which I thought was a great use of space. Your coup looks really nice, love the big windows!
Also, if you can be present at roosting time, you can break up the roosting on the hay, etc., by picking them up and taking them to the coop at that point, which seems to modify the behavior fairly quickly, in my experience.
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My roosting bar was to skinny to. I went and bought a coil of rope and wrapped it around theeir bar. It worked great! It's big enough so they can sit on their toes at night.

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