Roo that doesn't crow?


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2017
St Malo Manitoba
Okay this handsome man is a roo I picked up along with some other mixed hens. Thing is, he doesn't crow. He buk buk buh-GAWKs like my other hens. Is it possible he's not a HE? Or does he maybe just have some gender identity confusion?? Of course I know some don't crow, but this guy has no "roo like behaviour"and he's my only one at the moment....
Hi, welcome to BYC!

That's a pretty boy you got there. How old he is, his breed, and personal temperament, along with not having other examples are all things that can effect when he crows.

My first boys (Ameraucana, no examples) crowed late. My Marans crowed early. And my Salmon Faverolles didn't crow before they went to freezer camp at 7 months even though they had a lot of examples.

A lot of my cockerels do an egg song with the ladies or when they get startled before they ever start to crow. It's quite funny!
But I was concerned for my first boy who did that because he was an expected breeder. And I had never experienced it before.

He would probably try to start breeding the girls before he starts crowing. And before he learns some manners and the girls adjust to being mated, you might hear them scream a bunch.

Definitely a boy.
Thanks guys :) he has just begun to crow! Apparently having a seasoned cockerel who is a veteran breeding bird has given him enough competition to really find his voice!! Question though, he is really beating up my other roo now! Goldie is super docile and leaves him alone, but he keeps pecking at him and making him bleed and pulling feathers! What now??
Thanks guys
he has just begun to crow! Apparently having a seasoned cockerel who is a veteran breeding bird has given him enough competition to really find his voice!! Question though, he is really beating up my other roo now! Goldie is super docile and leaves him alone, but he keeps pecking at him and making him bleed and pulling feathers! What now??
If there is red it will invite more pecking, possibly even from other flock members and maybe even to the point of cannibalism.
Some people use a product called Blu Kote.

How old is your other boy? Have they been living together already and for how long? It looks like you free range, how much space? How many hens/pullets? How many boys are you gonna keep? Are you keeping them for breeding or hatching?

His attitude will change again several more times as he reaches different maturity levels. Sometimes a pecking order scuffle could last a few days. Is there hiding space for Goldie to get away? Is it relentless chasing or only during certain times?

One week ago, you said you had no other... if you just introduced them yes they will have issues!! As would any pullets/hens that you just introduce. Why did you go get another boy?

Now separate them with a look but don't touch fence. Or put the bully one in a kennel separate from the flock where they can't see him for a few days and introduce him back where he has to work his way back into the pecking order and give your other boy a chance to settle in and gain some confidence. Provide plenty of hiding places, visual barriers, and extra feeding station. Because the more aggressive boy may keep your other guy from eating.

I personally believe cockerels and roos need higher protein than layer (16%) such as flock raiser (20%). And too much calcium (like in layer) can (doesn't mean will) cause kidney failure in birds that aren't laying.

How big is your coop/run and how much roost space and birds do you have total?

What do you feed including treats and supplements? What breed is Goldie?
Okay so Goldie is a buff orp. He came with his own two hens as a breeding trio I am allowing to free range for a while. I have 20 "of age" hens and another 16 who are slowly being introduced as they are younger. It's not relentless, it seems to happen more so when I'm not around. I noticed a bald spot on him a few days after introducing. Then came the bleeding pecks on his comb and wattles. They seem to leave each other alone most of the time and have their own flocks that stick with them while outside. I open the coop just before sunrise and close it up after dusk so they aren't enclosed together as much as possible. Goldie has a lower level area in the coop where his flock seems to stay at night and "Noname" and his flock tend to roost. To my knowledge they are both from 2016 hatch but "no name" could be younger due to his crowing delay.
At the moment Goldie ended up with a gurgle (along with another hen) and they are in quarantine in the house receiving penicillin injections for a few days.
I'm wondering if I remove Noname and put him perhaps with my guineas while I introduce Goldie back in to the coop, let him get established and then re introduce Noname?
Okay so Goldie is a buff orp. He came with his own two hens as a breeding trio I am allowing to free range for a while. I have 20 "of age" hens and another 16 who are slowly being introduced as they are younger. It's not relentless, it seems to happen more so when I'm not around. I noticed a bald spot on him a few days after introducing. Then came the bleeding pecks on his comb and wattles. They seem to leave each other alone most of the time and have their own flocks that stick with them while outside. I open the coop just before sunrise and close it up after dusk so they aren't enclosed together as much as possible. Goldie has a lower level area in the coop where his flock seems to stay at night and "Noname" and his flock tend to roost. To my knowledge they are both from 2016 hatch but "no name" could be younger due to his crowing delay.
At the moment Goldie ended up with a gurgle (along with another hen) and they are in quarantine in the house receiving penicillin injections for a few days.
I'm wondering if I remove Noname and put him perhaps with my guineas while I introduce Goldie back in to the coop, let him get established and then re introduce Noname?
Wow, you hard core doing injections.

I like Orpington.

You can try him with your guineas.

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