Roo with pale comb not crowing gaping


In the Brooder
May 9, 2022
I have a 10 week old Sicilian Buttercup roo who was weak, eyes closed, puffed up and had a pale comb about a week ago (see first picture). I separated him, gave him Nutri Drench and ACV in the flocks water for 3 days. He looked much better walking around clucking and got the color back in his waddles (the second pic is from today) but was not acting himself. He was just starting to crow when he got sick and has not crowed since (a bit over a week)


He’s been gaping his mouth and doing this neck thing where he stretches it and moves it around today like he’s going to throw up. It seems like he has something stuck in his crop? But his crop doesn’t feel full. I picked him up and his voice was very breathy when he peeped, and he doesn’t smell sour. I can’t tell if he’s having a respiratory issue or what it is. He’s not swollen anywhere or having a visible issue like poop and all, it seems internal. This is a link to a video if you want to see what he was doing today with his neck. Roo with unknown sickness
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I have a 10 week old Sicilian Buttercup roo who was weak, eyes closed, puffed up and had a pale comb about a week ago (see first picture). I separated him, gave him Nutri Drench and ACV in the flocks water for 3 days. He looked much better walking around clucking and got the color back in his waddles (the second pic is from today) but was not acting himself. He was just starting to crow when he got sick and has not crowed since (a bit over a week)View attachment 3164728
View attachment 3164742
He’s been gaping his mouth and doing this neck thing where he stretches it and moves it around today like he’s going to throw up. It seems like he has something stuck in his crop? But his crop doesn’t feel full. I picked him up and his voice was very breathy when he peeped, and he doesn’t smell sour. I can’t tell if he’s having a respiratory issue or what it is. He’s not swollen anywhere or having a visible issue like poop and all, it seems internal. This is a link to a video if you want to see what he was doing today with his neck. Roo with unknown sickness
It could be possible it's an early respiratory problem, it could be that there's something stuck in his throat, and it could be that he's trying to adjust his crop.
It could be possible it's an early respiratory problem, it could be that there's something stuck in his throat, and it could be that he's trying to adjust his crop.
Thank you for the response, you made me feel better that I am looking at the same issues you mentioned. I gave him some homemade oregano tea and Nutri Drench last night. He was absolutely fine this morning, crowing and looking good, no neck wiggles. Then later in the day, he's back to wiggling. I'm guessing it's because he ate and now there's stuff stuck in his crop. He is pooping normal, so stuff is going through, but maybe there's a partial blockage that's making him uncomfortable?
Thank you for the response, you made me feel better that I am looking at the same issues you mentioned. I gave him some homemade oregano tea and Nutri Drench last night. He was absolutely fine this morning, crowing and looking good, no neck wiggles. Then later in the day, he's back to wiggling. I'm guessing it's because he ate and now there's stuff stuck in his crop. He is pooping normal, so stuff is going through, but maybe there's a partial blockage that's making him uncomfortable?
It is possible. If it persists, a vet if you can might be a good idea.

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