"Room" addition on the barn.

Been meaning to put up more pics, so I missed a few steps along the way. Oh well, it's getting there.

It's tall enough for me(6'0") to stand in. There's a clean out door at the bottom. Wanted to make exterior nesting boxes, but it would have been a bit more expensive. Made(not me, i'm not good enough) an entrance through the barn. It's almost seamless, can't tell it's there except for the hinges.

Please let me know if you see anything wrong or improvements made before I move forward. Electrical is next, so nothing big until next week.

It's about 95% finished. Need to finish putting the hardware cloth around the entire bottom. I've since added lots of perches in the run and a bale of straw(they seem to have fun with it). Holes in the fence are covered up. They(9 birds, I think 4 roos, 5 hens) only roam around when I'm there, and they go in at night by themselves. If you closely look in the window, you might spot something else.....

They certainly are spoiled.....

It's about 95% finished. Need to finish putting the hardware cloth around the entire bottom. I've since added lots of perches in the run and a bale of straw(they seem to have fun with it). Holes in the fence are covered up. They(9 birds, I think 4 roos, 5 hens) only roam around when I'm there, and they go in at night by themselves. If you closely look in the window, you might spot something else.....

They certainly are spoiled.....

Wow ! Very nice . Are those little we-woos I see ?
Nicely built! And I see that chicken math struck you early...remember those tiny-tiny little chicks grow up to be 6-10lb creatures. It's hard to believe, but oh, so true! Enjoy - the chickens are more fun to watch than tv!
I NEED HELP! My husband built a sturdy coop under an overhang from the side of our barn. He went all out with lighting (both for heat and light), ceiling fan and automatic coop door. There are six nesting boxes. We have 15 chickens (2 roosters- still trying to avoid the inevitable loss of one). These are new guys- hatched this spring. Since we have dogs and many other predators around, we can't free-range, but did provide a nice yard circled by movable electric fence. The chickens rarely go outside! It is very hot in the coop, even with the screens open and fan running. They are panting like crazy. I am making sure they have enough water. We have tried pushing them out the coop door, but they run right back in. Any ideas for how to lure them out? Do I just need to bite the bullet and move all food and water outside to motivate them? I had originally left them inside to avoid notice by predators and to feed during the cold winter here. Any thoughts are quite appreciated!
Mine stayed inside the past couple of days because it was actually cooler inside the coop. I put a tarp over the run to provide shade and they spent the entire day outside yesterday. I would make sure they have plenty of shade outside. Also, mine will go anywhere I throw some mealworms. Mealworms really are chicken crack.
I NEED HELP! My husband built a sturdy coop under an overhang from the side of our barn. He went all out with lighting (both for heat and light), ceiling fan and automatic coop door. There are six nesting boxes. We have 15 chickens (2 roosters- still trying to avoid the inevitable loss of one). These are new guys- hatched this spring. Since we have dogs and many other predators around, we can't free-range, but did provide a nice yard circled by movable electric fence. The chickens rarely go outside! It is very hot in the coop, even with the screens open and fan running. They are panting like crazy. I am making sure they have enough water. We have tried pushing them out the coop door, but they run right back in. Any ideas for how to lure them out? Do I just need to bite the bullet and move all food and water outside to motivate them? I had originally left them inside to avoid notice by predators and to feed during the cold winter here. Any thoughts are quite appreciated!

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