Roos? BO and Partridge please.


11 Years
May 20, 2008
Chambersburg, Pa.
I think I pretty much know the answer, but I am trying to be in denial.

BO is 3 months old. Had no comb or wattles til the last couple weeks. Was positive this was a pullet...had young roos whose combs turned red at a month old. She had nothing compared to them, which is why I felt safe to keep her/him.





Next is my only Partridge Rock. This is my 3rd attempt at trying to get a pullet. After taking the pics just now and seeing how he is feathering in. I am pretty sure its a boy also, right?



This is the worst part about having chickens. I am bummed!
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hen hen hen!!! The BO is a hen-I have BO's and hatched out alot of them and I can almost tell sex at birth from the way their comb lays on the head-Ive been right 99% of the time-with my own bo's NOTHING else! LOL Cant tell the other one though sorry :-(
Buff orpington looks like a girl to me. The partridge rock also, looks like a hen...I have two partridge rock girls. It's the coloring that gives it away...

me too unless my BO voo-doo has failed me-I have 5 2 day old chicks in a brooder and 14 eggs under my broody due any minute-4 out of my 5 in brooder are roos! ALmost positive on that one :-( When they are born-I mean right out of shell-If their comb is flattened to one side-almost flattened because it was too big to stand upright in the shell?? its a roo and if it stands upright when born-pullet--thats my own way of sexing those buggers early-like I said I havent been wrong yet-on BO's!
I guess I will hold onto the Partridge Rock to make sure. The coloring is totally different from my two Partridge Cochins though, that made me wonder also.

*Doing happy dance for BO pullet*
I was reading your post and loooked at your pics of your PR. I lost my little one about 2 weeks ago , any way she did not look quite like yours but as I looked at other posts I saw someone asking about their Barnvelders and I have to say your chickie looked just like theirs. Maybe check out the post and or barnvelders?

Good luck
Rachael C -mother of all

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