Roos wearing the back feathers off the hens.....


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 29, 2010
Mineral, VA/Clarkrange, TN
Has anyone tried those Hen Aprons for the hens so the roos don't hurt the hens??? Or does anyone have suggestions?? I hatch out my eggs so I want to them to be fertilized. Thanks
I have used the aprons on my hens. Then my rooster took to pulling feathers off on the hen's heads. Since I am not going to make the hens wear hats, the rooster is leaving. Today.
I put an ad on Craigslist and a nice person called me first thing in the morning. To answer your question, the aprons do work in sparing their backs.
Whats your ratio? (how many hens do you have, and how many roosters) they could be getting over mated also, But sometimes the rooster does favorite one hen.
The ratio should be 12 hens= 1 rooster
I have been going back and forth for the last few months in my decision but now that he is "messing with their heads" it is time. Luckily I found someone who wants to keep him for a pet and not eat him. I wasn't going to ask, but he volunteered the info. In fact, I offered him five chicks that my broody hatched out and he is taking them as well. He and his ten year old son are getting into chickens together. I think that is nice.
Any roo should pass two tests to stay in the hen house.

He leaves you alone (not attacking people)
He treats the hens nicely while mating. (not tearing them up)

It is possible for a roo to mate without smacking them in the head, tearing their feathers off, chasing them down twenty times a day.

If they can't pass the test we rehouse them in a canning jar with broth. Good Luck!
I have 11 hens and 1 roo. He isnt mean to us, but he is tends to be rough with the hens. He isnt a year yet so we were trying to give him some time, but it seems like half our hens are bald and the other half are going to end up bare-backed. We have considered letting him be a free range rooster.
The sound you heard about an hour ago was the collective sigh of relief from my hens. The King has left the building...and the yard. I really liked King Friday and enjoyed hearing his crow. Since he matured, he stopped crowing at night. But when I look at the bare backs and heads of my hens, I know that I did the right thing. The nice person who took him has 250 acres next to a wildlife preserve. Predators will be a problem but he is taking precautions.

My husband enjoyed watching me catch the rooster and put him in a box. It only took two tries. I got him in the first time and he jumped back out. I was prepared the second time.

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