Rooster? 3 week old barred rock


In the Brooder
Jul 29, 2015
Probably too early but I have 3 week old barred rocks. One is developing tail feathers later than the others. The stripes are clearer but they're spaced far apart with lots of black so it doesn't look any lighter than the others. The leg is dark and the comb is the same size and color as the rest.

Here's the pic- I'm looking at the one on top of the EcoGlow. Thanks!

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Yes, I would watch this one. This chick could very well be a cockerel. (rooster) Generally cockerels are slower to feather, of course comb and wattles develop much earlier than pullets and they can grow tree trunks for legs early on as well.

Cute BRs! I keep BR's as well. Very pretty breed! :)
Oh and watch for those long pointy hackle and saddle feathers as this one feathers in.
Here's an update of the one in question. Still has a small, yellow comb like the other 3 and black wash on the legs... But in general this one looks smaller in stature (very short tail, not a fluffy butt, and not as big in the breast area, and is shorter). Definitely more defined stripes.

Any updates guesses?

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