Rooster acting weird.

If your hens are not laying eggs, or are in the wind down process a rooster, and particularly a young cockerel is not going to tid bit them. When hens don't lay eggs is the down time for roosters.
This doesn't mean he doesn't have other health problems.
how are things going there countrybeachgirl? hopefully this is just their down time, as a rooster will molt too and not have much interest in hanging sometimes
how are things going there countrybeachgirl? hopefully this is just their down time, as a rooster will molt too and not have much interest in hanging sometimes
He doesn’t seem to be doing good. I have him isolated with some rooster booster and scrambled eggs. This morning he was just laying in the coop. His head seems like it’s to heavy and he can hardly keep his eyes open. He’s perked up some since then. But I just don’t know. My heart breaks for him.
He doesn’t have any kind of bugs on him. And since I have him isolated I should be able to see if he has any worms in his droppings.
Thank you so much for asking!!!
There was no worms in his droppings. He’s not eating or drinking anymore at this point. I went to pick him up. He got away from me. Now he’s in the chicken run where I can’t get to him. I’m thinking at this point I should cull him. I hate seeing a animal suffer.
You won't always see worms in poop. Can you get a fecal float to get a better idea to see if worms and/or coccidiosis is the problem.

Photos of the poop and what he looks like right now would be good.
Your mention of going ahead and culling him now - yesterday it was just acting weird - is he now lethargic, panting, unresponsive....?
You won't always see worms in poop. Can you get a fecal float to get a better idea to see if worms and/or coccidiosis is the problem.

Photos of the poop and what he looks like right now would be good.
Your mention of going ahead and culling him now - yesterday it was just acting weird - is he now lethargic, panting, unresponsive....?
It’s just that I’m worried he’s not eating and i I did get him to drink a little. He is standing and is alert right now. I just don’t want him suffering. I do not want to cull him. But do not want him suffering. I’m not gonna give up on him just yet. Gonna keep him isolated with his water and eggs and hope to see some improvement.
You won't always see worms in poop. Can you get a fecal float to get a better idea to see if worms and/or coccidiosis is the problem.

Photos of the poop and what he looks like right now would be good.
Your mention of going ahead and culling him now - yesterday it was just acting weird - is he now lethargic, panting, unresponsive....?
He’s not panting or having any other symptoms other than wanting to sleep and looking like he has no head control. When I checked on him just now he is standing and his head is normal.
Yesterday he was eating and drinking normally. He was just off to himself a lot.

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