Rooster aggression when integrating older hen into flock


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
I have searched past threads for answers to this question as I know there’s so many threads about integration, but I couldn’t seem to find what I was looking for. Apologies in advance for the millionth integration post, but I appreciate all the help!
For the last two weeks I have been trying to integrate an older hen into my bantam flock. Since I lost my eldest, and sweetest rooster to ALV, she hasn’t been doing well with the cockerel I added to that flock. She’s a sweetheart who is very submissive, and he was taking advantage of it. I decided to move her into my bantam pen hoping that would be a better environment for her. I’ve had her in a wire integration for two weeks now. It’s completely see-no-touch and the others have even been able to access her food my slipping their heads through the bars, so they’re used to eating together.
One week in, everything seemed to be going great, she even made friends with Sunny, my other older standard hen in there who is also her last flock mate when I had them together years back. I decided to let her out in a big free range setting, and no one batted an eye except for Birdie, my 1.5 year old Serama rooster. He completely attacked her. She submitted, and he continuously jumped on top of her, pecking and pulling feathers very aggressively. I even left it for a moment to see if he would give in since she submitted, but it was very persistent and bloody by the end. I scooped her up and put her back in the integration pen for another week. Today I tired to let her out again but had the same results. Instead of putting her in, I decided to put Birdie in the integration pen and let her free range for a bit. It went awesome! The rest of the flock hardly batted an eye, and she was very happy to mill around with Sunny, Birch and Zorro. It was very sweet to see her have friends instead of being a loner. Of course, Birdie jumped out of the pen and began targeting her again, so I put her back in there for now.
What should I do here? I understand it’s difficult to integrate a single hen, especially an older one. Does she just need to be in the see no touch for longer? She’s probably 10 or 11ish, and about twice Birdies size. Thanks so much for any insight, and let me know if you have anymore questions. I appreciate the help!
Do you know what class your serama is? Mine weighs 9.25 ounces but he is only 9 weeks old so I don’t yet know what class he will be. I don’t think he is a micro because his 3 sisters are all above 8 ounces. I hope he won’t be aggressive with new birds.
I'd get rid of the rooster as he is the one disrupting the peaceful flock, not the integrated hen, obviously.
My thoughts. He has always been a sweet boy until now.
Somehow she escaped the integration pen while I wasn’t home last week, and I swear he wanted to kill her. I’m not sure what would have happened if I didn’t get home when I did. She’s beat up pretty good, and I have her in another pen temporarily. I feel so bad for her. I might try to integrate him into my bachelor pad, but I’ve had little success housing him with any other roosters.
Not sure what I’m going to do with the little nuisance.
This is not normal behaviour.
A good/mentally stable rooster would not beat up hens but rather ignore and not mate with them in case he dislikes them for whatever reason.

I would not want to pass him on to someone else's flock either nor have offspring of him.

Hopefully, his poor victim will recover soon.

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