Rooster attacked, severe neck injury (graphic image)

You could hold a scoop up to his beak and offer a wet mushy chicken feed, scrambled egg, or tuna. If he tastes it he might eat. Water is most important. Tube feeding could be considered until he can see better. Here is a video showing that:
If they are willing to swallow, I just put food in their mouths for them. Starting with mash usually and you can just kinda smear it inside their beak.
He just ate some food mashed in water. He wanted more after realizing what it was. He ate 4 beakfulls with some enthusiasm and then he started dozing off again. I gotta say that this is very hopeful to me. Thank you all so much for your help.

I think later tonight or maybe tomorrow night I'm going to spend some time cleaning his comb, eyes, and face. It doesn't seem too important to him, so I'm focusing on life first, then eyes, then everything else.
I think later tonight or maybe tomorrow night I'm going to spend some time cleaning his comb, eyes, and face. It doesn't seem too important to him, so I'm focusing on life first, then eyes, then everything else.
I think this is the correct order of things. Dried blood on him isnt doing any harm. The main concern there is just whether you could miss an injury underneath it, but if you're confident you havent, removing the blood is definitely low priority. Warm wash cloth, dabbing not rubbing, when you do get there. Rubbing is how I found out sometimes dried blood is actually wound scabs. Whoopsie. Best to leave those in place.
Ouch, thanks for that information about the scabbing.

Also I'd never heard of neosporin on the eyes. I have some vetericyn eye wash and some vetericyn eye gel from when my rabbits were injured. I was planning on using it
Keep in mind when a lot of blood loss occurs the animal can not regulate it's temperature. So you need to keep your patient warm. Don't use straw or wood shavings for bedding, use clean towels. It will cut down on the bacterial load around him.
You can also use Terramycin eye ointment in the eyes, but if that is not available at your feed store, plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic can be used. But the Vetericyn eye gel is fine.
So he's getting a little more energy. He was having a hard time opening his beak because of the bandage, so I removed it. I now have his wound covered in a layer of triple antibiotic cream.

I got his left eye open. It had feathers caked in blood holding it shut, so I used a cotton pad and warm water to loosen it. His eye opened, he looked at me and let out a long whimper that I haven't heard him do this whole time.

I covered all the straw in his cage with a clean blanket, so he could have the fluff of the straw and the cleanliness of the blanket. I will keep it fresh with towel and blankets as often as it looks messy.

I think his wound is looking better. Now that someone pointed it out, I can confirm his right ear sustained significant damage. I don't know anything about their ear anatomy, but I would assume that he will no longer hear out of that ear. It is very jacked up.

He has been more reluctant to accept syringes or water. I'm having a hard time getting enough in him. I'm wondering if the water/food mash is enough hydration for him to get by until he feels like drinking on his own. I'm trying very hard to syringe feed him water, but as soon as I get his beak open, he jerks his head to the side. Since his wound is so close to his mouth, it is very hard to restrain this movement. My best hope is to get him eating and drinking on his own. I left food and water in his cage, the water has a poultry drench in it.

I have him in compete darkness now in the basement (it's 8pm here). I found that when I turn the lights off, he lets his legs relax and he sits and sleeps. I feel like it has to be better for him.

There's the update on my rooster. Thanks again everyone for your help. Sorry I'm not replying directly to any specific post, I'm just reading it all and responding with where I'm at. This has been very hard on me emotionally, so I'm extremely grateful for all of the support you have.

Thanks again, I'll be posting again tonight I'm sure. Really hoping he stays on the mend.

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